- opposition coalition party 在野联合党
- Nor does a possible win by an opposition coalition of nine parties seem an encouraging alternative, considering the hard issues which need to be tackled. 考虑到要解决的问题的艰巨性,九党联合的反对党政权如可能获胜,也不会是一个令人鼓舞的选择。
- Anwar has said he would abolish the government preferences for Malays in favor of programs to help the poor if his multiethnic opposition coalition comes to power. 其他少数种族也越来越多的不满政府在政治领域对他们的歧视。比如政府支持下的1970年种族暴乱,起因就是针对华裔社区财富的掠夺。
- One day after getting rid of the man they despise, Pakistan's ruling coalition party is wrangling over who is going to replace former President Pervez Musharraf. 摆脱了他们讨厌的人后,巴基斯坦执政党联合党开始争论由谁来接任前总统穆沙拉夫的位置。
- Anwar Ibrahim, Lim kit siang and Hadi Awang reiterated their commitment to the opposition coalition with the aim of forming the federal government someday as leaders of their respective parties. 安华、林吉祥、哈迪代表个别政党重申这个反对党联盟将来一同建立联邦政府的承诺。
- Spike Lee and Susan Sarandon expected at the Creative Coalition Party, and a Huffington Post party anticipating Halle Berry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Steven Spielberg, Sharon Stone and Stevie Wonder. 斯派克-李和苏珊-萨兰登将出席创新联盟晚会,哈利-贝瑞,雷奥纳多-迪卡普里奥,史蒂芬-斯蒂尔伯格,莎朗-斯通和史蒂夫-旺德则将参加赫芬顿邮报的晚会。
- He insists the government and coalition parties will continue to work together, taking all opinions into consideration. 他还坚持道,政府和联合政党将继续合作,并尽量解决此事件产生的影响。
- The opposition party now had its innings. 现在轮到反对派当权执政了。
- Crucial to its survival will be its ability to pump money into a feeble economy while keeping uppity coalition parties in check. 阿披实政府存亡的关键在于:往衰弱的经济注入资金的同时,约束住执政联盟内难以控制的各个党团。
- As rival coalition parties continue to bicker over ministerial portfolios, the country is beginning to tire of waiting for a new cabinet, and worries about instability mount. 当敌对的政党联盟继续对内阁名单争吵不休时这个国家已经开始对等待新的内阁觉得厌烦并担心起不稳定的政局。
- Rejecting the CPRS legislation a second time would be risky, since Labor's commanding lead in polls of voting intentions suggests that the coalition parties would lose seats. 如果再次反对碳污染减排方案立法,风险颇大,因为工党在投票意向民意测验中处于绝对领先地位,这预示着反对党联盟将失去席位。
- Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day. 执政党尽管遭到强烈反对,还是获胜了。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas. 他恣意压制所有与他相左的意见。
- The party may realign (itself) with Labour in a new coalition. 该党可能与工党重新组成新的联盟。
- We found ourselves in opposition to our friends on this question. 我们发现在这个问题上我们与我们的朋友立场相反。
- The two parties have united to form a coalition. 这两个党已结成联盟。
- Opposition to the war snowballed. 反战情绪急速增长。
- Our party just walked over the opposition in the elections. 在大选中本党不费力地击败了反对党。
- The labor Party snarled up the opposition in an election. 劳工党工竞选中搞乱了反对党阵线。