- optic disc oedema 视神经乳头水肿, 视乳头水肿
- Normal retinal blood vessels and optic disc were observed under funduscopy. 两眼矫正视力次日恢复到0.;6。
- We present a case of 24-year-old male who had melanocytoma of optic disc of right eye. 本文报告一24岁男性右眼罹患视神经盘之黑素细胞瘤。
- Does Optic Disc Appearance Distinguish Ischemic Optic Neuropathy From Optic Neuritis? 视盘外观能鉴别局部缺血性视神经病变与视神经炎吗?
- The main cause of operative failures was relating to the excessive periretinal fibrosis and scarring around optic disc. 手术失败的首要原因是视盘周围增生膜广泛瘢痕化
- The macular involvement in cases of optic disc coloboma seem to have more VA disturbance. 在视神经盘缺损眼睛,范围从仅具光觉到20/20。
- Anisometropia could also be observed in these two kinds of congenital optic disc anomalies. 屈光参差症可在这两类疾病中被观察到。
- Melanocytoma of the optic disc is a benign primary tumor occurring within the optic nerve head. 摘要视神经盘之黑素细胞瘤是原发于视神经头之良性肿瘤。
- More poor visual function in eyes with optic disc coloboma was correlated with macular involvement. 在视神经盘缺损病人中,不良的视力结果,推测可能与是否伴随黄斑部缺损和小眼症有关联。
- Optic disc hemorrhages may be a part of expression of ocular and systemic disease or an isolated finding. 摘要本文收集27位因独立性视神经盘出血而接受萤光眼底摄影检查的病人,作追踪检查,探讨其可能出血原因。
- Next, inspect each ocular fundus by using an ophthalmoscope. Assess the optic nerve by inspecting the optic disc. 下一步,使用眼底镜检查每个眼底.;用检视盘评估视神经
- The other 14 patients had optic disc colobomas, and 9 of them (64%) had bilateral involvement. 其它十四名患者有视神经盘缺损,其中9名(佔64%25)为双眼皆有。
- Abstract : Objective To observe the characteristics of morphosis parameter of the optic disc of physiologic large cup. 摘要 : 目的 观察生理性大视杯视盘的结构参数特征。
- Shanghai Synergy Times Optical Disc Technology Co., Ltd. 上海新汇时代光盘技术有限公司。
- Director Unit of the China Optical Disc Working Committee. 国家光盘工作委员会理事单位。
- Measurements included cycloplegic refraction, biometric axial length and optic disc stereo-photographs. 测量其屈光度、眼轴长及视神经之立体相片。
- Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co, Ltd.All rights reserved. 作者简介:赵国杰男;硕士、教授.
- Four patients had papillitis, while the other six patients had normal optic disc examinations. 七个两侧性的病人中,有六位有好的视力恢复;而三个单侧性的病人中,仅有一位视力有恢复。
- Examining 6 cases of angioid streaks by fluorescence fundus angiography, we found circular radiating streaks around the optic disc. 对6例眼底血管样条纹患者眼底荧光血管造影检查发现,视乳头周围呈一环形条纹,由此向不同方向呈放射状发出,延伸数毫米逐渐变细而终止,仅限于眼底后极部。
- Of the 23 eyes with optic disc coloboma, the choroidal involvement was seen in 21 eyes and microphthalmia was present in 12 eyes. 在视神经盘缺损的23只眼睛中,其中21只眼睛同时有涉及到脉络膜的缺损,12只眼睛存在有小眼症。