- Fast Approach for Optimal Brain Surgeon 快速自顶向下优化神经网络结构的方法
- A Heuristic Approach for Improving Performance of Neural Network with the Optimal Brain Surgeon 自顶向下优化神经网络的方法
- The brain surgeon asked the nurse to pass him a probe. 脑外科医生要护士将探针递给他。
- OBS (Optimal Brain Surgeon) OBS优化策略
- optimal brain surgeon 最优脑外科算法
- He works as a brain surgeon in a hospital. 他在一家医院做脑外科医生。
- Your dog is a canine version of a brain surgeon. 如果它只是一脸茫然得坐在那,只得一分。
- The brain surgeon ask the nurse to pass him a probe. 脑外科医生要护士将探针递给他。
- The Brain Surgeon was about to perform a brain transplant. 一个外科医生正要作一个脑移植手术。
- He's a famous brain surgeon and me, I'm selling used cars and barely make enough to live on. 他已经成为一个脑外科专家,而我则以卖旧汽车为生,只能勉强糊口。
- I used to laugh at my roommate in college -- he'd stay in and study on weekends while I went out for a good time. But I guess he has the last laugh on me. He's a famous brain surgeon and me; I'm selling used cars and barely make enough to live on. 我过去在大学的时候总是笑话我同宿舍的同学,因为他周末老是呆在学校念书,而我总是出去玩。现在,我猜想他一定很得意地在笑我。他已经成为一个脑外科专家,而我则以卖旧汽车为生,只能勉强糊口。
- Listen to music by Johann Sebastian Bach. If Bach dosen't make you more creative, you should probably see your doctor---or your brain surgeon if you are also troubled by headaches, hallucinations or strange urges in the middle of the night. 听听约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的音乐.;如果巴赫也不能使你更有创造力;你可能需要看看医生---或去看脑科医生;如果你同时也受到头痛、幻觉或半夜突如其来的冲动的困扰
- A teenager I know ---- tired of adults asking her all the time what she wanted to be ---- decided at a recent family party to just mutter the words “brain surgeon” to any adult in the room. 我认识一个十来岁的孩子,大人们总是问她长大了想干什么。她被问烦了便在最近的一次家庭聚会上向屋子里每位大人嘟囔了一句“脑外科医生”。
- A surgeon removed the boy's brain tumor. 一位外科医生为这男孩摘除了脑肿瘤。
- Service workers span the gamut from hotel maids to brain surgeons, while the pay range is generally narrower in the manufacturing sector. 服务领域的工作者可既包括酒店服务生又包括脑科手术医生。
- Service workers span the gamut from hotel maids to brain surgeons,while the pay range is generally narrower in the manufacturing sector. 服务领域的工作者可既包括酒店服务生又包括脑科手术医生。
- Conclusions: Acetazolamide has complex effects on entilation, PR, and CBF that conerge to optimize brain oxygenation and may be a aluable means to preent/treat high-altitude pulmonary edema. 结论:乙酰唑胺对换气量,肺血管阻力和脑血管流量有复杂的影响,但主要是优化脑的氧和作用,可能是一种预防/治疗高原肺水肿有价值的方法。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- His good image has stolen up on my brain. 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。
- A sudden, thought flashed across his brain. 突然一种想法在他脑海里闪过。