- optimal growing condition 最佳生长条件
- It gives an optimal growing season of 180days,much longer than the 120-130 days of other ginseng. 高丽人参生长期间到180天,长于其他人参生长期间(120-130天)。
- It suggested that the growing condition of retina function of disturbance LBWI of perinatasterm should be cared. 提示应重视围产期异常的低体重儿视网膜功能发育状况。
- After collecting the plants, we should record the name, growing condition, date and place collect in the note book. 采集完植物后,我们应当在笔记本上记下名称,生长情况,采集日期和采集地点。
- The rootless seedling with rootage powder treatment could improve survival rate obviously, but with weak growing condition, even cultured in humus. 生根粉处理无根苗后,在珍珠岩中栽培成活率有明显提高,植株长势较差,在腐殖土中栽培成活率及植株长势没有明显变化。
- In this paper,at first,information of vegetation growing condition was abstracted from remote sensing image to ascertain the pollution distribution of Dexing Copper Mine. 以德兴铜矿矿山为例,首先从遥感影像中提取植被的生长信息以确定污染的分布状况。
- Growing condition of human buccal squamous carcinoma cell line was similar to that of human being.Human baccal carcinoma cell had a high growing rate in t he collagen gel. 其内生长的颊癌细胞所处的生长环境,类似于机体内的生长环境,颊癌细胞有很高的生长率。
- He is inspecting the crops' growing conditions on the ridge of the field. 他站在地垄上查看作物的长势。
- As one of the famous four treasures of seafood (eight delicacies of seafood), scallop is famous for its rigorous growing condition in the sea, belonging to the category of large cold water seashell. 珠海天鹅大酒店于2005年6月16日开业,按四星级标准兴建的一家集住宿、餐饮、康体、娱乐、会议等一体的精品商务旅游酒店。
- The results shew that the compositions of cellular fatty acid were used effectively as an importent characteristic on chemotaxonomy of Bacillus when grow condition and cell state were controlled. 由此可见,控制芽胞杆菌的培养条件及生长状态,同样有效地使脂肪酸组分成为芽胞杆菌化学分类的重要指征。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- Berries such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries prefer cool and moist growing conditions. 像草莓、黑莓、覆盆子及蓝莓之类的浆果都喜好湿冷的生长环境。
- Does the harshness of alpine and desert growing conditions for trees and shrubs mean that the regeneration of wood. 荒芜的山峰和土地沙化的增长是否对树和灌木意味着木材资源的再生不能跟上营火取材的需要。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- For example, many farms now use computers to control the growing conditions of vegetables and other plants. 例如,现在许多农场运用电脑来控制蔬菜和其它植物的生长情况。
- Rather, the specific growing conditions of Arabica coffee plants will determine whether they are gourmet or not. 而且,阿拉比卡咖啡树的特殊的生长条件将决定其是否能成为极品咖啡。
- Berries such as strawberries blackberries raspberries and blueberries prefer cool and moist growing conditions. 像草莓、黑莓、覆盆子及蓝莓之类的浆果都喜好湿冷的生长环境。
- We should decide the width of the rows of seeds to be planted according to the growing conditions of different plants. 我们应该根据不同作物所需的生长条件来确定播幅。
- Ozone depletion must be halted to reduce the number of skin cancer cases in humans and improve the growing conditions of plants. 臭氧层的损耗必须停止以减少人类患皮肤癌的数量及改善植物的生长状况。
- Ginkgo biloba crack the depth, quantity and types of sources, species, sex, age and growing conditions, management measures, and so on. 银杏叶裂缝的深度、数量,与种源、品种、性别、年龄及生长条件、管理措施等有关。