- optimal joint data vector 最优联合观测矢量
- weighted joint data vector 加权联合数据矢量
- In the helicopter example, the eight flight times become the raw data vector. 在纸飞机的实例中,8次飞行的时间成为原数据矢量。
- This paper explores the problem of non-coherent multiuser weight/phase optimal joint detection for QPSK signal in over-saturated multiple access communication. 该文首先通过理论推导给出了过饱和多址系统中多用户信码/相位联合估计子。
- A fiber swivel joint data transmission technology is described.The data transmission of TV signal with fiber is realized with EPLD large-scale programmer. 介绍了一种光纤旋转接头的数据传输技术,并利用EPLD大规模可编程器件实现了光纤中电视信号的数据传输。
- Abundant joint data were obtained through field survey.The mean trace length of rock mass joint was estimated by the extended scanline method and circular window method. 通过现场节理调查获得丰富的节理数据,采用扩展的测线法和圆形窗口法分别估计岩体节理的平均迹长。
- Then, the whitened dimension-reduced data vector as a single user model is looked, the Iterative Least Squares (ILS) detection and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) detection are researched. 将白化滤波后的降维数据矢量看作是单用户的系统,研究了迭代最小二乘(ILS)检测和最小均方误差(MMSE)检测。
- According to a great deal of actual measurement the load spectrum data and the welded joint data form the AAR standard, established the load spectrum database and the welded joint database with the Microsoft Office Access software. 依据AAR标准中大量的实测货车载荷谱数据和焊接接头数据,运用Microsoft Office Access软件进行了载荷谱数据库和焊接接头数据库的建立。
- All the process of clustering based on the Euclidean distance among data vectors. 聚类过程都是根据数据之间的Euclidean(欧几里得)距离。
- This method constructs covariance matrix by utilizing data vectors in different range lines and projects phase error vector into noise sub-space which is formed by eigendecomposing the covariance matrix. 该方法利用不同距离单元的观测矢量构造协方差矩阵,然后通过对协方差矩阵特征分解得到噪声子空间,最后将相位误差矢量向噪声子空间投影来估计多普勒调频率。
- joint data system support center 联合数据系统支援中心
- The net does a quite respectable job, in our opinion, of recognizing code - we would love to hear how it does on your data vectors. 就我们的观点而言,网络完成了一项值得尊敬的工作,来识别代码我们将会乐意倾听,对于您的数字向量它是如何做的。
- Joint Data Systems Support Center 联合数据系统支援中心
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- Joint data and channel estimation for slow fading channels 适用于慢衰落信道的联合最大似然序列估计
- She fell and put her knee out of joint. 她摔得膝关节脱臼了。
- Voltage space vector PWM is an optimal modulationstrategy. 电压空间矢量脉宽调制是一种先进的调制方法。
- Based on the results of the stress redistribution, factors affecting the strength of stainless steel brazed joints at high temperature are discussed. Optimized joint types for design are recommended. 以接头蠕变应力再分布为依掘,参数化分析了不锈钢钎焊接头的高温强度的影响因素,并给出了接头设计的优选形式。
- The doctor put his bone into the joint again. 医生使他的骨头复位。
- Take a seat, have a cigarette or a joint and I will be back in three minutes. 请坐,抽根香烟或大麻烟,我三分钟内就回来。