- optimum of burning control 燃烧优化控制
- The horses dashed out of burning stable. 马群猛冲出着了火的马厩。
- This may upset the uniformity of burning. 这可能影响燃烧的均一性。
- The smell of burning rubber filled the air. 空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。
- He could hear the crackling of burning trees. 他可以听见树木燃烧发出的劈啪声。
- There was a smell of burning in the air. 空气中有一股烧东西的焦煳味。
- The Art of Burning Crusade: Loading Scene? 燃烧远征的艺术:地下城?
- These is a distinct smell of burning. 有一般明显的焚烧气味。
- Sand, but blue as the flame of burning sulphur. 但是蓝得象是硫磺燃烧产生的火焰。
- It has been heated to the point of burning. 它已经被你暖烫了。
- A smell of burnt branches and leaves penetrated the woods. 森林中弥漫着树枝和树叶烧焦的气味。
- Combustion:The process of burning. 燃烧:燃烧的过程.
- The smell of burning rubber is not pleasant. 橡胶燃烧的气味不好闻。
- Bring me my bow of burning gold! 给我燃烧的黄金之弓!
- Then the sudden smell of burning flesh. 然后突然闻到烧肉.
- Having or giving off heat capable of burning. 热的具有或散发能燃烧的热量的
- There is a smell of burning in her kitchen. 她家厨房里有股烧焦的味道。
- There was an overpowering smell of burning tyres. 有一股浓烈的烧轮胎的气味。
- Love, is what a silent feeling of burning is. 天山浅简爱,就是一种寂静的灼烧感吧?
- There was a strong smell of burning in the air. 空气中弥漫着烧糊东西的味道。