- Their dream is to establish a just, orderly society without a bureaucracy. 他们的梦想就是要建立一个公正有序、没有官僚政治的社会。
- On societal values, the respondents agreed on the importance of orderly society, harmony, respect for authority, official accountability and consensus. 在社会价值观方面,受访人士都注重社会的秩序、和谐、对权威的尊敬、政府对人民负责、和共识。
- To recapitulate, Asians emphasise the importance of orderly society whereas Americans emphasise the importance of personal freedom and individual rights. 让我们来重述几个要点:亚洲人注重社会秩序,而美国人则注重个人自由和个人权利。
- First,71% of the Asians compared to 11% of the Americans emphasised the importance of orderly society. 第一,有71%25的亚洲人注重社会秩序,相比之下有11%25的美国人注重这一点。
- On societal values,the respondents agreed on the importance of orderly society,harmony,respect for authority,official accountability and consensus. 在社会价值观方面,受访人士都注重社会的秩序、和谐、对权威的尊敬、政府对人民负责、和共识。
- On societal values,there were three differences. First,71% of the Asians compared to 11% of the Americans emphasized the importance of orderly society. 在社会价值观方面,有三个差别。第一,有71%25的亚洲人注重社会秩序,相比之下有11%25的美国人注重这一点。
- On societal values, there were three differences. First, 71% of the Asians compared to 11% of the Americans emphasized the importance of orderly society. 在社会价值观方面,有三个差别。第一、有71%25的亚洲人注重社会秩序,相比之下有11%25的美国人注重这一点。
- State of the original definition: the ??? for ??? control. If the definition of raven: Country: no ???, no oppression, in an orderly society. 国家的原定义:阶级进行阶级统制的工具。若焰定义:国家:无阶级、无压迫、有秩序的社会。
- State of the original definition: the class for class control. If the definition of raven: Country: no class, no oppression, in an orderly society. 国家的原定义:阶级进行阶级统制的工具。若焰定义:国家:无阶级、无压迫、有秩序的社会。
- People who favor the practice of censorship insist that, among other reasons, it helps maintain a stable and orderly society. 另外的原因之一是,赞成新闻审查的人坚持认为,它有助于维持一个稳定和有秩序的社会。
- To recapitulate,Asians emphasise the importance of orderly society whereas Americans emphasise the importance of personal freedom and individual rights. 让我们来重述几个要点:亚洲人注重社会秩序,而美国人则注重个人自由和个人权利。
- In our orderly society, we tend to measure things. We know how to grade food courts. We grade the cleanliness of public toilets. How do we grade excellence? 在我们这个秩序井然的社会里,我们倾向于衡量各种事物。我们知道怎样给食物评等级,知道怎样给公厕的清洁程度打分。那么,我们该怎样给卓越打分呢?
- Harmonious Society is a democratic,lawful,fair,justicial,veracious,companionate,lifeful,balanced,orderly society,in which all people are harmonious with the nature. 和谐社会是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。
- Harmonious Society is a democratic, lawful, fair, justicial, veracious, companionate, lifeful, balanced, orderly society, in which all people are harmonious with the nature. 摘要和谐社会是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。
- To recapitulate, Asians emphasize the importance of orderly society whereas Americans emphasize the importance of personal freedom and让individual rights. 我们来重述几个要点:亚洲人注重社会秩序,而美国人则注重个人自由和个人权利。
- The children lined up in an orderly fashion. 孩子们整整齐齐排好队。
- The crowd left the square in an orderly way. 群众井然有序地离开了广场。
- Orderly in the upkeep of his rooms. 在保养他的房间上一丝不苟
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。