- ordnance rating test 军械评级试验
- Pneumatic Fluid Power - Flow Rating Test Procedure and Reporting Method - for Fixed Orifice Components. 气压液动。固定元件的流动率试验过程和报告方法。
- Methods:The recovery rate test was carried out in Pantoprazole Sodium Medicines by using medium dilution method. 方法:采用培养基稀释法,对泮托拉唑钠进行了黑曲霉的回收试验。
- Cell growth rate test and hemolysis test were conducted to investigate the cytotoxicity and hemolysis reaction for skin reproducing membrane. 其方法是采用细胞增殖度试验和溶血试验,对医用丝素蛋白皮肤再生膜进行细胞毒性和溶血反应的实验研究。
- The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behaviour of 7075 aluminum alloy was studied using slow strain rate test (SSRT) technique. 采用慢应变速率试验(SSRT)研究了7075铝合金的应力腐蚀行为。
- Methods The recovery rate test of aspergillus niger was carried out in compound ketoconazole cream by using neutralization method and medium dilution method. 方法采用中和法与培养基稀释法,对复方酮康唑乳膏进行黑曲霉的回收试验。
- The stress corrosion cracking(SCC)behavior of X70 steel welded joint was investigated in a near-neutral pH solution by fluctuant slow strain rate test(F-SSRT). 研究了波动频率对X70管线钢焊接接头在阴极电位下的近中性介质中慢应变速率应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)行为。
- Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of 304 stainless steel in high temperature water containing H3BO3 and Li(superscript +) was studied using slow stain rate test (SSRT). 摘要采用高温高压慢应变速率拉伸试验方法,考察304奥氏体不锈钢在含硼和锂离子的介质中的应力腐蚀敏感性。
- The burning rate test is conducted in accordance with the IATA DGR.The rate of burning is less than 2.2mm/s,so the substance does not belong to flammable solid. 经IATA规定的燃烧速率实验测试,燃烧速率小于2.;2mm/s,表明该货物不属易燃危险品。
- The toxicity of 6 kinds of organic fungicides, Carbendazim, Thiophanatemethy WP, Inprodione, Triadimefon, Mancozeb and Thiram was measured against Macrophoma Kawatsukaii by mycelium growth rate test. 摘要采用生长速率法进行多菌灵、甲基托布津、扑海因、三唑酮、代森锰锌、福美双6种药剂对轮纹病菌的毒力测定。
- She worked in an ordnance factory during the war. 战争期间她在一家兵工厂工作。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- Multiple flow rate or high flow rate test program does not have any additional significance, moreover, it complicates the data and makes the well test interpretation more difficult. 多流量或大流量测试法没有更多的地质意义,只会使地质资料复杂化,增加解释难度。
- A proce-dure to history matches the step rate test data, to estimate the horizontal in-situ stressand the fracture toughness of the reservoir rock.This has been demonstrated by a... 通过模拟得到的数据和现场实测数据拟合,可确定地层的最小水平主应力和岩石的临界应力强度因子,并用实例说明了这种方法的可行性。
- The experiment method includes the slow strain rate test and constant K tension test for the crack propagation.In addition, it is also attested from the microstructure and electrochemical properties. 试验方法包含有定速率拉伸和定荷重量测裂缝成长,另外也从显微组织和电化学等特性加以佐证。
- Hose corrugation deformation will occur if the maximum rated working pressure is multiplied by 150% to determine the maximum rated test pressure. 波纹软管变形会出现,如果最大额定工作压力乘以150 %25 ,以确定试验压力最大额定。
- However, higher strain rate tests were performed using a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB). 而在高应变率下,实验则将利用分离式霍普金森杆 (SHPB)来测试。
- The prepared flame retardant was characterized by means of DTA, IR and water absorption rate test, and viarious factors which had effect on the encapsulating result were also studied. 通过差热(DTA)、红外光谱(IR)、吸湿性测试等方法对微胶囊化红磷进行了表徵,并对影响包覆效果的多种因素进行了初步研究。
- Namely, the concentration is controlled with the refractor factor that is corrected by viscosity and cooling rate tests. 生产应用证明,该方法直接、简单、有效。
- See the ordnance section for more details. 更多细节请看军火库。