- Whenever possible, use a control structure instead. 应该尽可能使用控制结构。
- You can also use pack to control structure packing. 还可以使用pack控制结构封装。
- Firstly, the basic control structure is presented. 给出了卫星姿态控制器的基本形式。
- To the vein gold deposit of Penglai regions,authors sum up the features of ore control structure and the ore-control regularity. 对蓬莱地区脉状金矿床,总结了挖矿特征及控矿规律。
- Summarizes how to transfer directly out of a control structure. 概述如何将数据直接传出控制结构。
- You can nest one kind of control structure within another kind. 可以在一种控制结构中嵌套另一种控制结构。
- The If.Then.Else control structure ends with End If. If.;Then
- The next most important part of a script is a control structure. 下一个最重要的部分是控制结构.
- In 1960s,Muziyuan half-concealed tungsten-molebdenum deposit was found by use of "equidistance ore controlling structure" theory by geological exploration department. 20世纪60年代,地质勘查部门曾运用"等距离控矿构造"理论找到了木梓园半隐伏钨-钼矿床。
- The study focused on the form of ore controlling structure,its evolvement characteristics of Hetai gold ore field based on the survey result of its geological character. 在查明河台金矿田地质特征的基础上,着重研究了控矿构造形式、构造演化特征,总结了构造控矿规律,并建立了河台金矿构造控矿模式。
- Discusses control structures used to repeat processes. 讨论用于重复进程的控制结构。
- Label closing braces in highly nested control structures. 在嵌套程度高的控制结构中标记结束。
- To realize the undulatory control of the flexible fin, a locomotory model is analyzed and a distributed control structure is designed. 针对柔性长鳍特有的波动控制问题,本文分析了柔性长鳍的运动模型,并设计了一种分布式控制系统结构。
- Immediately transfers execution to the statement following the last statement of the control structure. 立即将执行转移到控制结构的最后一条语句之后的语句。
- Statement specifies which type of control structure you are transferring out of. 语句的语法指定正在转移出哪种类型的控制结构。
- Statements can appear as many times as needed within a control structure that supports them. 语句可以在支持该语句的控制结构内部按照需要多次出现。
- The ore is smelted in this large factory. 这个大型工厂里熔炼矿石。
- Is useful when a control structure has done everything it needs to do and does not need to run any more statements. 当控制结构已经完成所有需完成的操作,不再需要运行任何其他语句时
- It changes a fundamental control structure from an awkward inversion to a natural form. 它将基础控制结构从笨拙的反转形式更改成一种自然的形式。
- First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone. 先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。