- Eurythmics is the organic combination of arts and gymnastics. 艺术体操是艺术和体育的有机结合。
- TSOC is the organic combination of both the timing and content system. 时段系统与内容系统的有机结合,构成高职护理口语训练体系。
- The organic combination of the two is the disciplinary stand of pedagogy. 将两者有机的统一起来是教育学应具有的学科立场。
- The organic combination of these different ways forms lexicon language style. 而这些方式的有机组合,便构成了辞书语体。
- The organic combination state in selenium-rich red earth and that in rice soil are the main combination patterns. 富硒红壤和富硒水稻土中的有机结合态硒是土壤中的主要结合态。
- The specification of the controller is better than that of EIC control and PID control because of the organic combination of intelligent integral and PD. 智能积分环节与PD有机结合;使温控仪的性能指标优于EIC控制;更优于PID控制.
- Its four heads can work individually and jointly.The machine can complete the welding skill through organic combination of four heads. 四个头可以分别单动,也可任意组合联动,通过四个机头的有机组合完成焊接工艺;
- Its three heads can work individually and jointly.The machine can complete the welding skill through organic combination of three heads. 三个头可以分别单动,也可任意组合联动,通过三个机头的有机组合完成焊接工艺;
- All new sanitary wares are passed the function testing and carry out the organic combination from sculpt, design, originality, color and practical. 每一件新产品都经过性能测试,在造型、设计创意、色彩与实用价值都有机结合。
- Results\ Zhagng Zong jing applied the therapeutic rules of an organic combination of Wen and He to treat the disease of phlegm and fluid. 结果治疗痰饮病的“温”“和”法则,是原则性与灵活性的有机结合;
- An effective supervision and guarantee mechanism will be set up through an organic combination of government control, subscriber supervision and enterprise self-discipline. 将政府监管、用户监督和企业自律有机地结合起来,建立有效的监督保证机制。
- The proper organic combination of the CMG control loop and DM control loop is the key of the overall forming of the BST gondola attitude control system. 这也使BST采用分级控制而获得高分辨率太阳图像的科学观测成为可能。
- The time and space abnormal information of “Qi and blood” should be grasped a nd the research should make organic combination of the theory,technique and exp eriment study. 把握人体“气血”的时间、空间异常信息,是从信息角度开展经络病候诊断客观化的思路,包括理论、技术、实验三方面的研究与有机结合。
- The organic combination of "the sentiment for the people" with "the power used for the people" in the field of ontology and methodology, teleology and strategic science constitutes the structure general plan of the modem Chinese communication aesthetics. “情为民所系”、“权为民所用”在本体论与方法论、目的论与战略论上的有机结合,组成了中国当代传播美学的建构方略。
- The resulatant chain walk equations are the organic combining forms,induding the topologica... 所得链路方程是产品拓扑与几何信息的有机结合体,便于计算机辅助建立功能方程。
- From Fobver,Bloch to Braudel,these people repnesented the french Annales "the history of the psychological state",which is the process of the organic combination between the search and long term theory. 从费弗尔、布洛赫到布罗代尔,则代表着法国年鉴学派“精神状态史”研究与“长时段”理论有机结合的过程。
- Blended economy is the representative form of socialism in economy and is the organic combination of "visible hand" and "invisible hand" which include general features and substance of market economy. 混合经济是社会主义在经济上的表现形式 ,它是“看不见的手”与“看得见的手”的有机结合 ,包含有市场经济一般特征和内容 ;
- With proper organic combination of them, the proposed method can make nacelle to stabilize in any attitude against disorder, thus the achieve nacelle azimuth control continuity was obtained. 该方法能很好地克服外界扰动,使吊篮稳定于任意姿态位置,提高了吊篮姿态控制的稳定性和连续性。
- Lean six sigma is an organic combination of lean production and six sigma, not only for enterprises, which have faster, more high quality, but also enjoying unprecedented financial returns. 精益六西格玛是精益生产和六西格玛的有机结合,不但让企业拥有更快的速度、高更的品质,还能享有前所未有的财务回报。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。