- organic nitrogen pesticide 有机氮杀虫药
- Ammonium is toxic and is converted to organic nitrogen compounds in the root. 铵有毒,在植物根部被转化为有机含氮化合物。
- The N in the SOM existed mainly in the form of organic nitrogen, and the soil C:N was significantly correlated with SOM. 土壤中的氮素主要以有机氮的形式存在于土壤有机质中,土壤碳氮比与有机质含量显著相关。
- There are four major processes in biogeochemical cycling: nitrification fixation;organic nitrogen ammonification;nitrification, and denitrification. 这一地区氮的生物地球化学循环包括:生物固氮、有机氮的氨化、氮的硝化、反硝化等4个主要过程。
- The reaction of organic nitrogen compounds in wastewater with chlorine will form toxic and harmful organic chloramines during the chlorination. 在氯消毒过程中,污水中的含氮有机物与氯反应会生成有毒有害的有机氯胺。
- The effects of inorganic and organic nitrogen sources on synthesis and secretion of gentamicin in shake flask fermetation were studied. 研究了无机与有机氮源对庆大霉素合成与分泌的影响。
- The production of erythromycin in the shake flask is apparently influenced by adding different kinds of organic nitrogen source. 红色糖多孢菌的摇瓶培养基中采用不同有机氮源时红霉素的效价明显不同。
- Dissolved organic carbon(DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen(DON) are rarely measured together when studying dissolved organic matter(DOM) in lake water. 溶解有机氮(dissolved organic nitrogen;DON)与溶解有机碳(dissolved organic carbon;DOC)相结合在湖泊水体溶解有机质(dissolved organic matter;DOM)的研究中少有报道.
- The result showed that thereby suggesting lactic acid could be produced more economically by using CSL as organic nitrogen,and reduce the pollution of CSL to the environment. 在保证生产能力的同时,使用玉米浆为有机氮源对进一步降低L-乳酸生产成本,减少玉米浆对环境的污染进行了探索。
- The wastewater of hexanolactam (nylon) fiber production in Shijiazhuang Synthetic Fiber manufactory is high concentrated with organic nitrogen compounds. 己内酰胺锦纶化纤废水属于高含氮高浓度有机废水。
- The results suggested that the yield of L-ornithine was increased 26.4% by using yeast hydrolysate as organic nitrogen source and 10.4% by adding 1.0% succinic acid. 结果表明;使用废酵母作为有机氮源后;L-鸟氨酸的产量增加了26.;4%25。加入1
- Results show that, nitrogen removal rate in the sedimentation tank (ST) unit is not apparent, where the mineralization of organic nitrogen to NH4(superscript +) may happen. 研究表明,沉淀池除氮效果最不明显,在该区内有机氮可能发生矿化作用而转变为氨氮。
- The removal effects on COD,SS and organic nitrogen and the main process parameters were investigated.The effect of salinity on wastewater bio-treatment was discussed. 考察了该工艺对废水COD、固体是浮物(SS)、有机氮等的出除效果,关键工艺参数,同时探讨了盐浓度对废水生物处理效果的影响。
- The range of organic nitrogen forms was nonhydrolysable N>amino acid N>ammonium N> hydrolysable unidentified N>amino sugar N under fertilization conditions. 不同施肥处理有机氮各组分含量随著土层的加深而下降,与有机质的变化规律一致;
- The nitrogen,which is in ammonium in the ammonia sulfite pulping waste liquor of rice straw,is converted into organic nitrogen by using oxide-ammonium decomposition method. 稻草亚硫酸铵法制浆废液采用氧化氨解的方法,将废液中的铵态氮转化为有机氮。
- The application of organic fertilizer is necessary in supplying the resource of potassium of soils and alleviating the disequilibrium of N,P,K and increasing the use efficiency of organic nitrogen. 证明有机肥是土壤钾的重要来源,施用有机肥对于缓解氮磷钾比例失衡有重要作用;
- Deep oxidation of volatile organic nitrogen pollutants such as N-dimethylformsmide (DMF) and butylamine could be achieved under the catalysis of PCN-1 and PCN-2. The activtiy of the two catalysts were studied. 介绍了两种催化剂PCN-1,PCN-2型对含氮有机物如N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)、正丁胺、环己胺、苯胺、硝基苯等深度氧化的活性及控NO_x能力。
- It is shown from the recent studies that organic nitrogen compounds are an important component of atmospheric nitrogen deposition and make a nonnegligible contribution to the global nitrogen cycling. 摘要近几年的研究表明,有机氮化合物是大气氮沉降的重要组成部分,对全球氮循环的贡献不可忽视。
- Air consists chiefly of nitrogen. 空气主要由氮气组成。
- Due to higher content of protein in chondroitin sulfate wastewater and low measured value of ammonia nitrogen, organic nitrogen was neglected in designing wastewater treatment process. 硫酸软骨素废水中蛋白质含量虽然较高,但氨氮测定值较低,导致有机氮问题在设计时容易被忽视。