- organic personality syndrome 器质性人格综合征
- Een the sunniest, most smugly organic person starts feeling a bit beleaguered after a while. 甚至最有朝气的,对自己身体最自鸣得意的人在一段时间以后也会受到疾病的围攻。
- Even the sunniest, most smugly organic person starts feeling a bit beleaguered after a while. 甚至最有朝气的,对自己身体最自鸣得意的人在一段时间以后也会受到疾病的围攻。
- Natural and Organic Personal Care Products in the U.S. 美国天然及有机个人护理产品市场研究报告。
- Hannah is such an organized person, you can tell by just looking at her binder. 哈娜是一个办事很有条理的人,光看她的文件夹就知道了。
- chronic pain personality syndrome 慢性疼痛人格综合征
- I found her to be an intelligent, responsible, resourceful and organized person who was a pleasure to work with. 我发现她聪明、有责任感、有谋略,办事很有组织性,与她共事是件很愉快的事情。
- Explosive type organic personality disorder 暴躁型器质性人格障碍
- As Dennett and others have noted, the odd occurrence of Multiple Personalities Syndrome (MPS) in humans depends at some level on the decentralized, distributed nature of human minds. 就像丹尼特和其他人都注意到的那样,人类奇异的多重人格综合症在某种程度上源于人类意识的分散化、分布式天性。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- Psychoactive substance-induced organic personality disorder 精神活性物质诱发的器质性人格障碍
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- He has a highly volatile personality. 他有着反复无常的个性。
- The music is organic to the story. 这首乐曲是这个故事必不可少的组成部分。
- The illness is organic in origin. 该病起初是器质性疾患。
- She has a rather shallow personality. 她的个性相当浅薄。
- His personality comes through in his writing. 他的个性体现在他的文章中。
- I am not good at organic chemistry. 我的有机化学学得不好。
- The organ rolled out a stately melody. 风琴奏出庄严的乐曲。