- The Big Five also have indirect effects on voice behavior through job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job autonomy, and leadership justice. 大五通过工作满意感、组织承诺、工作自主性、领导公平间接影响进谏行为;
- The Relationship Among Leadership Behavior, Organizational Commitment and Leadership Effectiveness Of The Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan. 题名:主管领导行为、组织承诺与领导效能关系之研究----以台湾中小企业为例
- However, the results show no differences in job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and employee deviant behavior. 此外,不同类型派遣人员在工作绩效的表现上有差异。
- The authors also found that P-I Fit is the moderating variable between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. 个体和所在行业的匹配性变量是组织承诺和组织公民行为之间关系的调节变量。
- Organizational Commitment is an attitude or behavioral intention shaped tardily via a long term experiences of the employee. 摘要 组织承诺是员工经过较长时间的体验而缓慢形成的、较为稳定一种态度或行为倾向。
- Organizational commitment is an attitude or behavioral intention shaped tardily via long term experiences of the employee. 摘要组织承诺是员工经过较长时间的体验而缓慢形成的、较为稳定的一种态度或行为倾向。
- In the process of organizational change, organizational commitment plays an intermediating effect between organizational justice and work performance. 组织变革过程中,工作士气在组织公平与工作绩效之间具有中介效果。
- Employee &Customers Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment Survey, Quit Intention Survey, Job Burnout Survey and Enterprise Assembly Line Operational Status Analysis etc. 如:员工满意度调查、顾客满意度调查;组织承诺调查、离职意向调查、职业倦怠调查,等等;企业流水线作业问题诊断,等等。
- The results indicate that the locus of control has positive correlations with organizational commitment, and it is also an important predictor of organizational commitment. 结果发现内外控人格特质与组织承诺呈显著正相关,并且内外控人格特质是组织承诺的一个重要的预测变量。
- In categorizing organizational commitment, we will see(1)attitudinal commitment &behavioral commitment, and(2) psychological commitment, social commitment, &exchange commitment. 在组织承诺的分类上,有些以态度性承诺与行为性承诺为分类,有些则从心理性观点、社会性观点与交换性观点作分类。
- Subscales of psychological empowerment, such as meaningfullness, autonomy, and impact were also significant predictors of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 心理充能中工作意义、自主与影响等次量表亦为组织承诺与工作满意度之显著预测变项。
- The relationship between the locus of control and organizational commitment was investigated in a sample of 131 subjects from China Unicorn, Anhui Branch. 摘要通过对中国联通安徽分公司131名销售员工进行问卷调查,考察了内外控人格特质、组织承诺之间的关系。
- Hrebiniak, L.G., &Alutto, J.A. (1972), Personal and role-relate factors of the development of organizational commitment, Administrative Sciences Quarterly, 17(), 555-573. 章珮瑜(2000);学校文化与教师组织承诺及工作满意关系之研究;国立台北师范学院国民教育研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- Organizational commitment is the theory which has been researched abroad.It can reflect the attitude of the staff during the work and how much they recognize the film. 组织承诺作为被广泛研究的工作行为态度理论,能很好地反映员工对工作投入及对企业认可程度的心理状态。
- The results also show that work characteristics change perceived by employees that have external locus of control has a more significant positive impact on organizational commitment. 此外本研究结果显示,外控倾向之员工,其工作特性变动对组织承诺之影响显着高于内控倾向之员工。
- Organization commitment have mediating effect between the Job involvement and personality traits. 四、组织承诺在人格特质与工作投入间具中介效果。
- As above, the middle level managers have the function which links the preceding with the following.Deriving from enhancing the middle level managers justice, the improvement of organizational commitment could reduce the backbones leaving . 正如前文所说,管理者具有承上启下的功能,通过提高中层管理者的公平感,进而促进中层管理者承诺的形成,最终降低骨干的流失。
- Porter, L.W, Steers, M.R., Mowday, R.T., &Boulian, P.V. (1974), Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover among psychiatric technicians, Journal of Applied Psychology, 59(5), 603-609. 蔡进雄(1993);国民中学校长领导方式与教师组织承诺关系之研究;国立台湾师范大学教育研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- Porter, L.W.;Steers, R.M.;Mowday, R.T.;Boulian, P.V. (1974), Organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover among psychiatric technicians, Journal of Applied Psychology, (59), 603-609. 张瑞村(1998);高级工业职业学校校长领导行为、教师组织承诺与学校效能关系之研究;国立政治大学教育研究所;博士论文;未出版.
- LISREL were applied in the research to comprehend interrelations as well as causal relationships among the three aspects of transformational leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. 利用线性结构关系模式,分析转型领导、工作满足与组织承诺各层面间的相关程度及因果关系。