- Chapter 9 indicates that the European legal and organizational construction have served as the legal and organizational guarantee for the birth of Euro. 第九章表明欧洲的法律和组织建设为欧元的生成提供了法律和组织保障;
- He also expounded on the organizational construction of our party's in the rear areas,which contributed irreplaceably to the reservation and growth of our party's underg... 对大后方党的组织建设进行了详尽深入的论述,为我大后方党组织在险恶的白色环境中保存并壮大做出了不可磨灭的贡献。
- But, in these new-style enterprises, party organization construction appears weakness, lag and incommensurate. 但是,在这些新型的企业中,党 组织建设显得薄弱、滞后和不适应。
- Communist Organizational construction 党建工作
- organizational construction of CPC 党建
- organizational construction of the CPC 组织建设
- organizational construction of the Party 党的组织建设
- These categories are intended to group together related applications, and are an important organizing construct for composite applications. 这些类别用来对相关应用程序进行分组,是复合应用程序的一个重要组织构造。
- We analyzed the Germen Duff Mitchell in the sights of organization construction, gravitate mechanism, financing model and person cultivation in this paper. 从组织结构、运行机制、资金支持和人才培养四个方面对德国产学研联合的弗朗霍夫模式进行了分析。
- It is the heat that bourg industry gets attention quite all the time, organize construction to build perfect bourg to build trade grass-roots unit further, produce its due effect. 一直是村镇行业颇受关注的热点,为了进一步建立健全村镇建设行业基层组织建设,发挥其应有的作用。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- To be high-quality participation of 21st century, the Democratic Party must enhance organization construction, thought construction, organ construction, system construction and style construction. 要建设面向21世纪高素质的参政党,必须加强组织建设、思想建设、机关建设、制度建设。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- Understanding where these opportunities exist can be a challenge. Providing organizational constructs that enable execution on identified harvesting opportunities can be harder still. 了解何种情况下可以进行重用是一个挑战,而提供允许在已确认可以进行重用的地方执行重用的组织构造则更是一大挑战。
- It defines the rules, processes, metrics, and organizational constructs needed for effective planning, decision making, steering, and control of the SOA engagement to achieve customers business needs and challenging targets. 它为有效的规划、决策制定、操纵以及SOA项目控制而定义了规则、流程、度量和组织结构,以达到用户的业务需求和目标。
- The organ rolled out a stately melody. 风琴奏出庄严的乐曲。
- Can you cost out this construction work? 你能估计这项工程的成本吗?
- The organ has two banks of keys. 那架风琴有两排键盘。
- The house/highway is in course of construction. 该房子/公路正在施工中。