- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。
- He received the news by word of mouth. 他得到的是口头的消息。
- I have informed them by word of mouth. 我已口头通知他们了。
- I have informed him by word of mouth. 我已口头通知他了。
- Seminal orifice; external orifice of male urethra. 男性尿道口。
- Expressed or evidenced by word of mouth; not written. 口头的用口讲出或证实的; 非书面的
- He made an application by words of mouth last week. 上星期他提出了口头申请。
- The news spread by word of mouth. 这消息是口头传开的。
- He asked me to deliver a message by word of mouth. 他要我口头传达一条消息。
- News of their success spread by word of mouth. 他们成功的消息口头传开了
- It became famous by word of mouth. 它靠传闻出名了。
- orifice of mouth 口裂
- The news was passed on by word of mouth. 消息通过口头传开了。
- Word of mouth advertising is the most beneficial. 口碑广告是最有利的。
- Information is often spread through word of mouth. 消息经常是通过口口相传而传播开来的。
- Doctor:Does the earache occur deep inside or just at the orifice of your ear? 医生:耳痛是在耳朵深处还是在耳朵口上?
- The story on Jerry's trip got abroad by word of mouth. 杰利的旅行故事以口头传布开来。
- I'm so pleased you've been able to come this evening, and I hope you didn't mind getting your invitation by word of mouth. 我非常高兴你今晚能来,我希望你不要介意未给你发书面邀请,只是口头上邀请你来。
- We inserted numer-ous suction tips between the lacerated tongue and orifice of the aluminum water-canister. 在整个处理过程中,我们沿著水壶颈口与舌头中间插入许多耳鼻喉科常用的吸管。
- Kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of the heart. 物理学教授接吻是由于心的膨胀造成嘴的收缩。