- Their actions reek of corruption. 他们的举动显然有贪污之嫌。
- The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower. 流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源
- Accusations of corruption have been made/brought/laid against him. 对他贪污的控告已经提出。
- The origin of the universe is an ageless topic. 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。
- What was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么?
- Rumours of corruption dishonoured the senator. 有关腐化的谣传使该参议员丧失了名誉。
- The whole business stank of corruption. 这件事从头到尾都有腐败嫌疑。
- Charges of corruption were in the air. 谣传是行了贿赂。
- Our government officials seem free of corruption. 我们的政府官员似乎很清廉。
- The whole contract stinks of corruption. 整个的合同带有舞弊的味道。
- Scientists speculate on the origin of the universe. 科学家们猜测宇宙的起源。
- Free of corruption or immorality. 廉洁的未被玷污的或品行端正的
- It is meaningful to study the origin of life. 研究生命起源很有意义。
- An odour of corruption hangs about him. 他浑身散发着腐化堕落的气味.
- What is the origin of pelagic oozes? 远洋软泥的来源是什么?
- The whole business stinks (of corruption)! 这件事从头到尾都散发着(贪污腐化的)臭味!
- All this is a product of corrupt bureaucracy. 这一切都是腐朽的官僚制度的产物。
- He sparkplugged the investigation of corruption in the town. 他发动了对该城腐败情况的调查。
- It has nothing to say to the origin of the word. 这与该词的词源毫无关系。
- The whole business stinks of corruption! 这件事从头到尾都散发着腐化的臭味。