- Kane, J. N. and C. C. Aiken. The American Counties: Origins of County Names Dates of Creation and Population Data 1950-2000. Lanham, MD.: Scarecrow Press, 2005. 这是与北卡罗来纳州相关的小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。
- The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower. 流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源
- The origin of the universe is an ageless topic. 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。
- What was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么?
- This light is a metaphor for the flame of creation. 这种光是对创造的火焰的一种隐喻。
- This paper discuses the difference between abstract painting and concrete painting, and analyzes the features, the origins of inspiration, the course of creation, the ways of enjoyment and the cultural connotation of abstract painting. 论述了抽象绘画与具象绘画的区别;初步分析了抽象绘画的特点;介绍了抽象绘画的灵感来源、创作过程、欣赏方法以及人文内涵.
- So the fifth day of creation ended. 创世的第五天就这样结束了。
- Inspiration is a source of creation. 灵感是创作的源泉。
- I was full and effervescing with joy of creation. 由于创作的乐趣, 我感到满足和欢欣。
- The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation. 精神能量在创造的一瞬间爆炸了。
- Scientists speculate on the origin of the universe. 科学家们猜测宇宙的起源。
- Such a shift alters the very fabric of creation. 这样一个变迁将改变造物的织锦。
- It is meaningful to study the origin of life. 研究生命起源很有意义。
- What is the origin of pelagic oozes? 远洋软泥的来源是什么?
- And such unison requires holographic time in all parts of creation. 这样的统一则需要全息时间存在于创造物中的所有部分中。
- It has nothing to say to the origin of the word. 这与该词的词源毫无关系。
- According to a 2001 Gallup evolution poll on the origins of humans, 72% of Americans believe in some form of creationism (as defined above). 按照2001年人类起源民意测验调查登记,72%25的美国人信仰某些创造说形式(如上面提到的)。
- Legends about the origin of this festivity abound. 关于腊八节起源的传说有很多。
- The belly button symbolizes the origin of life. 肚脐的意象象徵著生命的起源。
- The End Times, when all of creation will finally unravel, are here. 所有造物最终粉碎的终结时刻就在眼前。