- This species is a famous small ornamental tree with many cultivars. 本种是一著名的小的观赏的乔木具很多栽培品种。
- This species is often cultivated as an ornamental tree. 本种是通常栽培用于观赏的乔木。
- Some other applications of ornamental tree species were also introduced. 文中还介绍了观赏树木其它方面的用途。
- Japanese ornamental tree with fragrant white or pink blossoms and small yellow fruits. 日本观赏树种,白或粉红色香花,黄色小果实。
- The Cultivated Technology of Superior Ornamental Tree Species Cassia nodosa Ham. 优良观赏树种粉花山扁豆的栽培技术。
- This species can be used as an ornamental tree for its showy flowers in the spring. 本种在春天能为它的艳丽的花被用作一观赏的乔木。
- Camellia reticulata Lindl. f. simplex Sealy, an oil and ornamental tree endimic to high-elevated regions of Yunnan. 红花油茶 -- 一种云南特有的高海拔地区木本油料兼园林树种.
- Evodia daniellii, a good wild commercial timber and ornamental tree of Hebei, have great potential value in gardens and afforestation. 摘要臭檀是分布于河北山区的一种优良用材、绿化观赏野生树种,具有较高的开发利用价值。
- Abstract : Aesculus chinensis is a kind of excellent ornamental tree which can be used in the landscape greening in all ages. 摘要 : 七叶树是世界著名的园林观赏树种,资源丰富,应用广泛。
- A small Eurasian ornamental tree(Prunus mahaleb) of the rose family,having white flowers and small,ovoid,black drupes with single seeds that are used in Middle Eastern cooking. 马哈利酸樱桃一种属于蔷薇科的欧亚小型观赏树(马哈利樱桃李属),开白花,结黑色卵形的单个种子的小核果,中东地区将其果实用于烹调。
- A small Eurasian ornamental tree(Prunus mahaleb)of the rose family, having white flowers and small, ovoid, black drupes with single seeds that are used in Middle Eastern cooking. 马哈利酸樱桃一种属于蔷薇科的欧亚小型观赏树(马哈利樱桃李属),开白花,结黑色卵形的单个种子的小核果,中东地区将其果实用于烹调
- A small Eurasian ornamental tree(Prunus mahaleb)of the rose family,having white flowers and small,ovoid,black drupes with single seeds that are used in Middle Eastern cooking. 马哈利酸樱桃一种属于蔷薇科的欧亚小型观赏树(马哈利樱桃李属),开白花,结黑色卵形的单个种子的小核果,中东地区将其果实用于烹调
- A small Eurasian ornamental tree(Prunus mahaleb) of the rose family, having white flowers and small, ovoid, black drupes with single seeds that are used in Middle Eastern cooking. 马哈利酸樱桃一种属于蔷薇科的欧亚小型观赏树(马哈利樱桃李属),开白花,结黑色卵形的单个种子的小核果,中东地区将其果实用于烹调
- Tie the action figures to the wreath using either green twine or by twisting green ornament tree hooks around your figures. 把你的玩偶用绿色细绳绑紧在花环上,或直接把这些枝叶绕紧你的玩偶。
- Apricots blossom earlier, whose color are beautiful.Apricot is a good honey source tree and an ornamental tree, which also is an excellent species that can monitor harmful gas. 摘要杏树开花较早,花色艳丽,是很好的观赏树种和蜜源树种,又是有害气体的优良监测树种。
- Crown gall disease affects a wide range of plants, including roses, ornamental trees and fruit trees. 根癌病影响很多植物,包括玫瑰,观赏树木和果树。
- The paper deals with the successful experiment of grafting propagation by taking the root of Araucaria heterophylla, a valuable ornamental tree, as stock, and its branch of one-year growth as scion, in the light of the root-tied theory. 本文根据根接原理,选择珍贵观赏树种异叶南洋杉的根做砧木,一年生的枝条为接穗,进行嫁接繁殖试验成功地获得新植株。
- Any plant of the genus Jacaranda (family Bignoniaceae), especially the two ornamental trees J. mimosifolia and J. cuspidifolia. 紫葳科(Bignoniaceae)蓝花楹属(Jacaranda)植物的统称,尤指蓝花楹(J.;mimosifolia)和尖叶蓝花楹(J
- Hill Road, both sides are pine and cypress, shrubs and other ornamental trees, lush, and the narrow mountain roads are packed. 山路两旁,都是松柏、灌木等观赏性树木,郁郁葱葱,把山路都挤得变窄了。
- The laws of 24 ornamental trees and shrubs species growth,have been known by 3 years phenology observation in Tianshui region and got the phenospectrum. 以天水地区24种主要观赏树木为观测对象,进行3年的物候观测,并绘制了物候谱。