- Phosphoric acid produced by the wet process is in the ortho form. 用湿法生产的磷酸呈正磷酸状态。
- The ortho cone helicoid was used interrsect intercept by the ortho cone helicoid and the cylinder. 正圆锥螺旋面是正圆柱螺旋面被同轴正圆锥面截得。
- Ortho Biotech, for example, recently changed one of the chemicals added to its erythropoietin alpha medicine as a stabilizer. 举例来说,美国奥多生物科技公司最近换了加在红血球生成素里头的一种安定剂。
- For a disubstituted complex, MA4B2, the planar arrangement gives three isomers, the familiar ortho, meta, and para arrangements of organic chemistry. 对于双取代络合物MA4B2,其平面排列有三个异构体,常见的为有机化学中的邻位、间位和对位排列。
- In this paper,ortho nitrobenzaldehyde is prepared with indirect oxo-process for o nitrotoluene. 以邻硝基甲苯为原料,采用间接氧化法制备邻硝基苯甲醛。
- Side view render of a Normal Map made with an Ortho camera. The same cameraposition as in the previous picture, less perspective distortion. 摄像机的法线映射的边延视图渲染。
- The result shows that the cocatalyst system is especially effective in regioselective ortho dichlorination of the substrate. 结果表明,硫化物-三氯化铝共催化剂能显著提高该底物邻二氯代的区域选择性。
- Donors such as amine and phenolic groups,when positioned ortho to a nitro group,are always involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. 在硝基邻位上存在的氢键给体如胺基,酚基时,总与硝基形成分子内氢键。
- The reaction tolerates sensitive moieties (methyl esters or nitriles), ortho substitution, and heterocycles (i.e., 2-furan). 反应灵敏萘容忍(甲基酯或腈);替代邻、杂环(即2-呋喃).
- The synthesis of p phthalaldehyde from p xylene by chlorination and catalytic oxidation was studied. The total yield was over 89%, the purity of the product was over 99%. 以对二甲苯为原料,经氯化、催化氧化合成对苯二甲醛,收率大于89%25,质量分数在99%25以上。该工艺提高了产品的收率和纯度
- The separation of meta nitrochlorobenzene from the waste fluid of para ,ortho nitrochlorobenzene production was investigated in this paper. 探讨、分析了对、邻硝基氯苯生产废料中间硝基氯苯的可能分离方法,确定采用恒沸减压精馏法为最佳。
- The conjugated double bond in tung oil molecular with high activity can take place substitution reaction with one of ortho or para hydrogens of phenol. 桐油的共轭双键具有极强的反应活性,易与苯酚芳环上邻或对位的活性氢发生傅氏取代反应。
- In petroleum &chemical industry, Ortho provided several process-control systems, emergency shutdown systems(ESD) and instruments related in dangerous areas. 在石油化工行业,昊图公司为数百套重要和危险的装置提供了过程控制系统、紧急停车系统和相关仪器仪表。
- Moreover, we incorporated different functional groups on ortho and meta positions of benzothiazole in order to understand the electronic effect on the metal complexation. 我们在配基设计上引入不同取代基,除了研究电子效应的影响外,更希望可成功得到单晶以进行更深入的研究。
- Objective The Purpose of this study was to compare a new Light-cured resin reinforced glass ionomer(Fuji Ortho Go, Japan) with a traditional composite resin. 目的了解光固化树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀在不同条件下的粘结性能,探讨一种更简便,不太注意污染的粘结方法。
- The results revealed that the components with bicyclic ortho ester had expansibility in the ring opening polymerization by initiation of cationic compounds. 对膨胀聚合反应研究发现,带有膨胀基团双环原酸酯的材料在阳离子引发剂存在下开环时具有膨胀特性。
- In the related "amide route" starting from 2-chloroisonicotinic acid, 41 ,a secondary amide directing group was used to facilitate the ortho lithiation of the pyridine 3-position. 在有关"酰胺三号"由2-氯酸、41、次要酰胺导演组用的锂方便邻吡啶3-立场.
- Then,the regioselective ortho lithiation of alkyloxypyridine bromide was further performed to produce the diphenylphosphine alkyloxypyridine bromide derivatives(3a,3b and 6a). 以氯代吡啶为原料,经烷氧基取代,选择性单溴代,合成了系列烷氧基溴代吡啶,最后利用锂化反应的区域选择性,制备了二苯基膦烷氧基溴代吡啶;
- Catalytic nitration of toluene occurs by use of nitric acid in the presence of bentonite metal nitrates with useful para selectivities,up to a para to ortho ratio 1.0. 在皂土硝酸盐催化下,甲苯能被浓硝酸对位选择性硝化,对邻硝化产物比率达1.0以上。
- The reason is that the electron withdrawing and donating of two substituting groups result in the changes in the density of electron cloud of chemical bonds in ortho position. 这是由于两个取代基的吸或供电子引起了相邻化学键的电子云密度发生变化,使旋光度相应变化,从而导致旋光性。