- An Orthodox Jew investigates the scene of a Palestinian rocket attack. 一名东正教犹太人调查巴勒斯坦火箭弹袭击的现场。
- This suggests phylacteries, implements worn by Orthodox Jews during their morning prayers. 这有点像正统犹太教徒在早晨祈祷时配带的护身符。
- During the Sabbath, which is observed from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday, Orthodox Jews neither ride nor conduct business. 在安息日期间(从星期五的日落到星期六的日落)正统的犹太教信徒不驾车,也不做生意。
- In the Byzantine period Orthodox Jews kept living in Capharnaum alongside Christians who in the meantime increased considerably. 在拜占庭时期正统犹太教徒一直住在葛法翁,住在旁边的基督徒们就是在此期间大幅度上升。
- They are orthodox Jews. 他们是正统的犹太教徒。
- The Jews lived in dread of being caught. 这些犹太人生活在会遭到拘捕的恐惧之中。
- Roman Catholics were the next largest group with46,000, 000 members, There were5,600, 000 Jews and700,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians. 罗马天主教是第二个最大的团体,有四千六百万教徒。犹太教徒有五百六十万,东正教徒有七十万。
- Conforming to orthodox rules, as of procedure. 权威的遵守正统规则的,如程序规则的
- Jews were persecuted by the Nazis. 犹太人受纳粹迫害。
- Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany. 希特勒试图全部消灭德国的犹太人。
- Many Jews come to this synagogue on Saturday. 星期六的时候,许多犹太人到这所犹太教会堂来。
- Orthodox Christian churches often have elaborate steeples. 传统的基督教堂都有精致的尖塔。
- an orthodox Jew 正统的犹太教徒
- The German fascists massacred almost all the Jews in town. 德国法西斯分子几乎杀光了城里的犹太人。
- The Jews suffered terrible persecution under Hitler's rule. 犹太人在希特勒的统治下受到残酷的迫害。
- Breaking with convention or tradition; not orthodox. 异端的背离传统或习惯的; 不正统的
- And some officials are seen as orthodox Marxists. 而且,有些官员被看作是正统的马列主义者。
- He is very orthodox in his views. 他的观点十分正统。
- The quality or state of being orthodox. 正统正统的性质或状态
- Moslems and Jews do not consider pork a clean meat. 回教徒和犹太教徒认为猪肉是不能吃的肉。