- ostium of coronary sinus 冠状窦口
- Observe the coronary sinus A wave morphology,its proper orderand form variety, double electric potential and excited time of coronary sinus ( CSo - CSd). 结论:冠状窦A波不是单纯的心房波,而是冠状窦肌袖电位和左房电位的融合波,而且以前者为主。 窦性心律时冠状窦近中段由来自Bachmann束和冠状窦的激动控制,左房电位和冠状窦肌袖电位融合在一起,冠状窦远端主要由来自Bachmanll束的激动控制。
- Congenital absence of coronary sinus 先天性冠状窦缺失
- Congenital enlargement of coronary sinus 先天性冠状窦膨大
- An applied anatomic study of coronary sinus and its tributaries 冠状窦及其属支的应用解剖
- Temporary counterclockwise atrial flutter was induced by pacing at coronary sinus ostium in 1 case with clockwise block in the isthmus. 在1例峡部顺钟向阻滞者,冠状静脉窦口刺激诱发出短阵逆钟向房扑。
- Measurement of Coronary Sinus Blood Flow by Visual Cannulation in Canine 直视下插管测定犬心脏冠状静脉窦血流量的方法
- Measurement of coronary sinus blood flow by visual cannulation in canine heart 直视插管测定犬心脏冠状静脉窦血流量的方法
- The morphologic study of coronary sinus orifice and its peripheral myocardium 冠状窦口和周围心肌组织的形态学研究
- Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease? 怎样预防冠心病?
- Is NAFLD an Early Marker of Coronary Heart Disease? 非洒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)是冠心病的早期标志物吗?
- Ostium of coronary artery 冠状动脉口
- If the ostium of sinus were traumatized, it might become an etiologic factor of chronic sinusitis. 若伤口波及鼻窦开口,将导致慢性鼻窦炎的形成。
- During urgent cardiac catheterization, the 6-French diagnostic catheter recorded severe pressure damping during cannulation of the ostium of the left coronary artery. 急诊心导管中,6-F诊断性导管在插入左冠状动脉开口时记录到显著的压力下降。
- Treatment of Coronary Bifurcation Lesions: What's New? 冠状动脉分叉病变治疗:有何新进展?
- Detection and reproducibility of coronary sinus with transthoracic Doppler echocardiography 经胸多普勒超声心动图对正常冠状静脉窦的测定及其可重复性的研究
- Ligation of coronary artery was performed in the model group. 模型组进行冠状动脉结扎。
- Coronary sinus is thepreferential conduction pathway during pacing at LRA. 消融前后,心房激动时间由61.;14士8
- The experimental study of the electrical conduction path block of coronary sinus by radiofrequency catheter ablation 射频导管消融术阻滞经冠状静脉窦传导通路的实验研究
- Methods:The lateral nasal wall was observed on 20 adult cadaveric specimens,and the ostium of frontal sinus and front mid ethmoid sinus was observed too. 方法:在20具40侧经防腐处理的完整成人尸头标本上观测筛泡气化发育的情况;观察额窦及前中筛气房窦口引流情况。结果:额窦向中鼻道引流占87.;5%25(35侧);向筛漏斗引流占10