- He refused to admit to the other charges. 他拒不承认其他指控。
- Other charges are mostly groundless. 其它的指责多半毫无根据。
- Add all the interest and other charges together. 把所有的收益和其他收费加起来。
- Entertaining expense and other charges amount dls 2568 which debit your a/c. 接待和其他费用共2568美元,一并记在你方帐户上。
- Kilpatrick and his ex-chief-of-stall had been / on perjury and other charges. 市长与其前办公室主任被指控做伪证及其他罪名。
- Wu continues to plead not guilty to other charges of embezzlement and bribery. 吴对贪污和贿赂的指控继续不认罪。
- The shipper's obligation: Paying the freight and other charges as the contract to the carrier. 托运方的义务:按约定向承运方交付运杂费。
- Entertaining expense and other charges amount dollars 2568 which debits your a/c. 接待和其他费用共2568美元,一并记在你方帐户上。
- The price indicates airfare only - taxes, fuel surcharges and other charges are not included. 以上价格不含各类机场税,服务费,燃油附加费。
- The guarantee is exclusive of all other items, including, without limitation, fines, taxes or other charges or amounts. 担保具有排他性,包括但不限于罚款、税收或其他费用或款项。
- Unlike your traditional phone service carrier, iTalkBB does not have any other charges or additional taxes. 与其他通讯服务提供商不同,iTalkBB不另外收取任何税费或隐性费用。
- All advising, other charges and reimbursing banks commission will be on account of the beneficiary. 全部的通知费,其它费用和偿付费都由受益人支付。
- B: Yes, there will be other charges, such as corkage if your guests bring their own drinks. B:有的,比如说, 如果宾客自带饮品,我们要收开瓶费。
- Thirty-four-year-old Angel Vidal Mendoza Sr. has been held on suspicion of mayhem, torture and other charges. 目前他已被控故意伤害和虐待等罪行而被拘留。
- The cost of customs formalities as well as all duties, taxes and other charges payable upon import of the goods and for their subsequent transport. 货物进口所需办理的海关手续费用以及应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用以及继续运输的费用。
- He was charged with six counts of a "shopping list" of other charges. 他被指控犯有六大罪状,包括一连串的罪行。
- Legislators attacked the increase yesterday, saying it was too steep at a time when wages and other charges were being cut or frozen. 立法会议员群起反对,认为在薪金和其它公共收费下调或冻结时,这加幅实在太高。
- The amount of freight or other charges on a shipment advanced by one carrier to another, or to the shipper, to be collected from the consignee. 运送货物的运费或其它费用,由一货运公司预支给另一家货运公司或托运人,然后向收件人收取的费用。
- The Subcontractor shall give notices, make applications, and pay fees, impost and other charges in respect of the Subcontract Works promptly, properly and diligently. 分包商应就分包工程及时,适当和勤勉地给予所有通知,提出申请,并支付规费,税款和其它收费。
- The DEQ term requires the buyer to clear the goods for and to pay for all formalities, duties, taxes and other charges upon import. DEQ术语要求买方办理进口清关手续并在进口时支付一切办理海关手续的费用、关税、税款和其他费用。