- This outer room is small, but it can be used as a drawing room. 这个明间儿不大,但是当小客厅用还是可以的。
- An outer room that opens into another room,often used as a waiting room. 前厅,候见室通向另一个房间的靠外的房间,经常用作候见室。
- An outer room that opens into another room, often used as a waiting room. 前厅,候见室通向另一个房间的靠外的房间,经常用作候见室
- Unheeding, he went to the outer room, filled a bucket and put all their corn buns and parched flour into a bag. 老沙头不理睬女儿,转身走到外屋,往那个塑料桶里灌起水来。 并把所有的玉米面饼子和干炒面装进一个口袋。
- After Deerslayer had cast a look about him in the outer room, he raised a wooden latch. 杀鹿人略略看了外间,便卸下一根木闩。
- After deer slayer had cast a look about him in the outer room, he raised a wooden latch. 杀鹿人略略看了外间,便卸下一根木闩。
- He pressed the agitated girl into a seat, returned to the outer room and opened the door. 他把这位惊慌错乱的女孩子硬按在一把椅子上,自己走到外屋,把门打开。
- We always had the samovar brought into the outer room and she always poured out the tea. 我们的茶炊总是放在第一间房里,而且茶总是由她斟的。
- Unheeding , he went to the outer room, filled a bucket and put all their corn buns and parched flour into a bag. 老沙头不理睬女儿,转身走到外屋,往那个塑料桶里灌起水来。并把所有的玉米面饼子和干炒面装进一个口袋。
- In the outer room Denisov was squatting on the threshold with a pipe, facing the sergeant, who was giving him some report. 杰尼索夫拿着烟斗,在过道屋的门槛上弯下身子,面对着向他禀告什么事的骑兵司务长坐着。
- Passing by Kutuzov's carriage, the exhausted saddle-horses of his suite, and the Cossacks talking loudly together, Prince Andrey went into the outer room. 安德烈公爵从库图佐夫的轻便马车旁边,从疲惫不堪的随员骑的马匹旁边,从那些大声交谈的哥萨克兵旁边经过后,便走进外屋。
- The outer room is rented. 外间的寓所已经租定。
- Putting on some clothes, he pushed open the door to the outer room, and carefully making his way around the crowded furniture, the stove and the grain cabinet, he tip toed to his mother's bedside and tucked the thin cotton quilt more closely around her. 他披上衣服推开了旁边外屋的小板门,小心地绕过堵满一屋的家具和煤气灶、食品柜,蹑手蹑脚地走到母亲床前,帮母亲把薄棉被盖好。
- On the walls all around the temple, in both the inner and outer rooms, he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. 内殿、外殿周围的墙上都刻著基路伯、棕树,和初开的花。
- Andy steps back into the outer rooms and finds Hadley with another GUARD, a huge fellow named DEKINS. 安迪走到外屋,看到哈德利和另外一个守卫,一个高大魁梧的家伙,叫戴肯。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- Dust the repair to prevent adhesion to outer cover. 清整修补处以防与外胎粘连。
- The hard outer portion or surface area of bread. 面包皮面包的表面区域的硬皮