- This is an act that outrages public opinion. 这是违反民意的做法。
- His behaviour outraged public opinion . 他的行为激起公愤。
- His behaviour outraged public opinion. 他的行为激起公愤。
- The closing of the hospital has outraged public opinion. 关闭那所医院是公然违反民意的。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- He cares not a whit for public opinion. 他对舆论毫不关心。
- Public opinion was opposed to the war. 舆论是反对那场战争的。
- Public opinion has polarized on this issue. 在这个问题上公众的意见已两极分化。
- The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign. 舆论的严厉指责迫使他辞职。
- We are going to conduct a public opinion poll. 我们将进行民意测验。
- outrage public opinion 违反民意
- He maintained his stand in the teeth of public opinion. 他不顾公众舆论的反对而坚持自己的立场。
- An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion. 一个正直的法官不能一味顺从舆论。
- A clever politician know how to manipulate public opinion. 聪明的政客知道如何操纵公众舆论。
- The mass of public opinion is in favor of the new foreign policy. 大部分的舆论赞成新的外交政策。
- Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament. 公众舆论正在强烈支持裁军。
- Newspapers are often barometers of public opinion. 报纸常是反应舆论动态的晴雨表。
- A knot of politicians manufactured public opinion. 一群政客假造舆论。
- He didn't seem to mind public opinion in the least. 他对公众舆论似乎一点都不在乎。