
[ˌaʊt'saɪd]     [ˌaʊt'saɪd]    
  • adv. 在外面
  • n. 外面
  • adj. 外部的
  • prep. 在 ... 外边



adv. (副词)
  1. 在外面,在外头,在外部,在外边,在露天
  2. 向外面,向室外,向户外
  3. 在户外,在室外
  4. 向海上;在海上
  5. 【体】出线,出界
  6. 外表上
n. (名词)
  1. 外部,外侧,外头,外面
  2. 外表,外观
  3. 最大限度
  4. 外界,外缘
  5. 周围
  6. 外手,外道,外围
  7. 【电话】外线
  8. 【体】出界
  9. 外界人士,局外人
adj. (形容词)
  1. 外部的,外面的,外边的,外界的
  2. 最高的
  3. 不可能的,可能性极小的
  4. 外来的
  5. 极限的
  6. 局外的
  7. 外侧的
  8. 门外的
  9. 向外的
  10. 主建筑以外的
  11. 不属于本团体的
  12. 不相关的
  13. 外观上的
  14. 肤浅的
prep. (介词)
  1. 除了,除...外
  2. 在...外
  3. 向...外
  4. 在...范围之外,不在…范围内,超出…的范围
  5. 离开
  6. 不属于
pron. (代词)
  1. 在 ... 外边


adv. (副词)
  1. 在外面,向外面 on or to the outside
  2. 在户外,露天 in the open air; not enclosed
n. (名词)
  1. [S]外面,外部 outer side or surface
adj. (形容词)
  1. 外部的,在外面的,对着外面的 of, on or facing the outer side
  2. 不在主建筑物内的,外面的 not in the main building; not internal
  3. 集团外的,组织外的,外界的,局外的 not included in or connected with a group, an organization, etc.
  4. (选择余地、可能性等)非常小 (of choice, possibility, etc.) very small
  5. 可能性最大的,最可能的 greatest possible or probable
prep. (介词)
  1. (表示位置)在〔向〕…的外面 on or to a place on the outside of sth
  2. (表示范围)超出…的范围 not within the range or scope of sth
  3. (表示排斥)除了(某人) except for sb; other than


  1. the region that is outside of something

  2. the outer side or surface of something

  1. relating to or being on or near the outer side or limit;

    "an outside margin"

  2. coming from the outside;

    "extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph"
    "relying upon an extraneous income"
    "disdaining outside pressure groups"

  3. originating or belonging beyond some bounds:

    "the outside world"
    "outside interests"
    "an outside job"

  4. located, suited for, or taking place in the open air;

    "outdoor clothes"
    "badminton and other outdoor games"
    "a beautiful outdoor setting for the wedding"

  5. functioning outside the boundaries or precincts of an organized unit;

    "extramural hospital care and treatment"
    "extramural studies"

  6. leading to or from the outside;

    "an outside door"

  7. from or between other countries;

    "external commerce"
    "international trade"
    "developing nations need outside help"

  8. very unlikely;

    "an outside chance"
    "a remote possibility"
    "a remote contingency"

  9. on or toward an outer edge;

    "an outer lane"
    "the outside lane"

  10. (of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter;

    "the pitch was away (or wide)"
    "an outside pitch"

  1. outside a building;

    "in summer we play outside"

  2. on the outside;

    "outside, the box is black"



用作副词 (adv.)
  1. The house is painted green outside.
用作名词 (n.)
  1. The outside of it looks all right.
  2. He has a rough outside but a good heart.
  3. One should not judge a thing by the outside.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  1. He isolated himself from the outside world.
  2. You must protect yourself from outside threats.
用作介词 (prep.)
  1. He stood outside the house before going in.
  2. I find this purse in the street outside my house.


用作名词 (n.)
at the (very) outside
    至多,充其量estimated or calculated as the highest possible figure; at the most


用作副词 (adv.)
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词
用作形容词 (adj.)
用作介词 (prep.)
动词+~ ~+名词


  • Coats..are all reversible with soft knitted mohair on the outside and..dishcloth knitting inside.

  • It looked like a suitcase because the outside was sheathed in leather.

    出自: R. Dahl
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