- The bank has one million dollars outstanding loan. 指银行借出贷款一百万,现在贷款人尚在偿还中。
- MRTA is normally calculated to meet the outstanding loan amount. 抵押递定期保险一般上是根据尚欠之贷款额而计算。
- Paydown The process of repaying a portion of an outstanding loan balance. 部分还款指偿付部分未清偿贷款余款。
- CPF Board will pay the outstanding loan based on the amount insured. 这两类保险,一般都不具现金价值,所以断保时,不用考虑本金问题。
- At the same time, add up to the provident fund balance of the outstanding loan from multiple 15 times to 20 times the adjustment made for 10-million enforceability significantly. 同时,补充公积金的最多可贷倍数也从缴存余额的15倍调整到20倍,使得贷满10万元的可实施性大大增加。
- If you purchase a vehicle from a private seller who has an outstanding loan attached to the vehicle (this is called an encumbrance), the vehicle could be repossessed and you could lose your money. 就算有;你买过来那又怎么样;借钱的不是你;你跟上一手交易的时候是公平没有欠车主钱就好了.
- Would your partner be able to pay the rent, repay outstanding loans? 您的伴侣可以独力支付屋租及偿还债务吗?
- Nevertheless, outstanding loans in August may continue to grow quite rapidly because of loan approvals already in the pipeline. 然而,由于已批出贷款尚在处理中,所以相信八月份未偿还贷款总额的增长速度仍然会相当快。
- Mizuho has an outstanding loan of $289m; 瑞穗银行持有2.;89亿美元未偿贷款;
- By the end of 2001,outstanding loans will total 73.5 billion yuan (US 8.9 billion). 到2001年底,贷款总额将累计为735亿元人民币(合89亿美元)。
- However, the amount of outstanding loans continued the rapid growth of recent months. 然而,未偿还按揭贷款总额则跟随最近数月的走势,继续急升。
- Applied Fund This represents the outstanding loans made from the Fund under paragraph 6 of the Resolution. 已分配基金指本基金根据决议第6段所贷出而未偿还的贷款。
- Is measured by a ratio of total amount of overdue loans to total outstanding loans. 指过期按揭贷款总额占未偿还按揭贷款总额的比率。
- Is measured by a ratio of total amount of rescheduled loans to total outstanding loans. 指经重组贷款总额占未偿还贷款总额的比率。
- By the end of 2001, outstanding loans will total 73.5 billion yuan (US 8.9 billion). 到2001年底,贷款总额将累计为735亿元人民币(合89亿美元)。
- The new loan has been oversubscribed. 新债券的认购已超额了。
- It galled him to have to ask for a loan. 必须向人借钱使他感到羞辱。
- The relief measures include the suspension of payments for twelve months and rescheduled repayments of outstanding loans. 该计划包括暂停还款十二个月,以及重组债务的还款安排。
- I have the book on loan from the library. 我从图书馆借来这本书。
- Under this policy, companies with violations could be barred from getting loans and those with outstanding loans could have them called in. 在此政策下,违反政策的公司将被禁止贷款,已获得巨额贷款的将被收回。