- The desert represents a hardship. 沙漠代表艰难困苦。
- The second hypothesis must overcome a problem. 第二种假设应该解释一个问题。
- They thought up ways to overcome a difficulty. 他们想出了克服困难的方法。
- That is the number needed to overcome a filibuster. 这就是可以压倒阻挠议案通过的那个数字。
- A true pioneer learns how )to overcome a bust. 一个真实的先锋学习如何)克服一个半身像.
- overcome a hardship 克服困难
- By much pains, the orator overcame a natural impediment in his speech. 这位演说家用苦练的方法克服了天生的口吃毛病。
- He overcame a strong temptation to run away. 他抵制了要逃跑的强烈诱惑。
- I was at a loss how to overcome a world of troubles. 我不知道如何来克服这许多困难。
- It takes a lot of grit to overcome a physical handicap. 要很大的毅力来克服生理上的障碍。
- Don't forget the praise when they overcome a difficult hurdle. 不要忘记赞美时;他们克服了一个个难关.
- We had to overcome a lot of obstacles to open our bar. 我们想开这家酒吧必须越过很多障碍。
- The G/ATOR program has overcome a number of controversial events. G/ATOR项目克服了很多争议。
- The boy overcame a strong temptation to steal. 那孩子克服了要偷窃的强烈诱惑。
- However proof of the fact after a few years, implement this technology the process that commercializing is a hardship. 然而几年后事实证明 ,实现该技术的商业化是一个艰难的过程。
- Hard work overcomes a lot of incompetence. 努力能克服许多能力不足。
- He overcame a strong temptation to run away . 他抵制了要逃跑的强烈诱惑.
- The state's individual mandate has become law, but perhaps a fifth of its uninsured are likely to get a hardship waiver. 麻省强制个人购买保险的政策已经写进法律,但是大约五分之一没有保险的人符合因为家庭困难而豁免交钱的规定。
- Finally overcome a previous failure which seemed impossible to recover from. 终于洗雪前次似无可挽回的失败。
- But many Asians see life in Hong Kong as a step up rather than a hardship, so they are less likely to insist on lavish benefits. 但是很多亚洲人把香港的生活看做是一个提升而不是艰辛,所以他们不太倾向于坚持过分的福利。