- Can she and Die Nan overcome obstacles together? 她和铁男能够有情人终成眷属吗?
- To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles. 要成功,你得学会克服困难。
- And helping you overcome obstacles on your way. 并帮助你克服成功道路上的障碍物。
- To the attitude of confidence to overcome obstacles traded. 以信心十足的态度去克服成交障碍。
- What you and your team would be doing to overcome obstacles and tough times? 您和您的团队如何克服困难、渡过难关?
- Describe a situation in which you've had to overcome obstacles to reach a desired outcome. 描述一种情况,你是如何克服困难达到期望的结果。
- Support from his family and his own survivor instincts have helped him overcome obstacles. 家人的支持和求生的本能帮助他克服了障碍。
- A committed team can overcome obstacles by pulling together and combining their individual strengths. 一个投入的团队因团结一致和汇集个人的力量而可以克服任何障碍。
- Shaper - Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure. The drive and courage to overcome obstacles. 可塑性:富有挑战性,有动力的,有很强的抗压力,有战胜困难的动力和勇气。
- At that time, the role of the tank was to assist the infantry by helping to overcome obstacles on static battlefields. 在坦克刚出现的时候,它的作用就是通过越过静态战场的障碍物来协助步兵。
- It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. 它就像一盏明灯,在黑暗中为你指路,帮助你克服前进道路上的重重障碍。
- It is this commendable spirit that inspires us to overcome obstacles ahead and bring about new economic restructuring and development. 就是这种可贵的香港精神,激励我们克服重重困难,成功实现新的经济转型和发展。
- You value living life at a slow, peaceful, meditative pace. You give insightful advice, helping others to overcome obstacles. 你以一种缓慢的、平和的、沉思的速率生活你给予他人远见,帮助他人克服困苦。
- Career success signifies an ability to overcome obstacles, to persevere in the face of competitive threats, to adapt to change, and to endure grueling periods of deprivation. 职业生涯的成功意味着有能力克服困难,面对竞争危险能够坚持,适应变化,忍受一无所有后的身心消沉万念俱灰时期。
- In verses 6-7, Paul urges Timothy to “rekindle” his gift, to develop it and make active use of it so that he can overcome obstacles and fully carry out his ministry. 第六到七小节:保罗勉励提摩太"重燃"神给他的恩赐;让他好好利用恩赐以战胜各种障碍得以完全侍奉主.
- While some organisations or groups do not give a hoot,many people believe strongly in choosing an auspicious name that can help bring good"feng shui"and overcome obstacles in life. 一方面,很多机构或团体对华文名不甚重视,草率待之;另一方面,也有很多人却又特别“重视”、笃信姓名学,希望用传统的方块字来克服命运风水中的不顺。
- While some organisations or groups do not give a hoot, many people believe strongly in choosing an auspicious name that can help bring good“ feng shui” and overcome obstacles in life. 一方面,很多机构或团体对华文名不甚重视,草率待之;另一方面,也有很多人却又特别“重视”、笃信姓名学,希望用传统的方块字来克服命运风水中的不顺。
- While some organisations or groups do not give a hoot, many people believe strongly in choosing an auspicious name that can help bring good"feng shui"and overcome obstacles in life. 一方面,很多机构或团体对华文名不甚重视,草率待之; 另一方面,也有很多人却又特别“重视”、笃信姓名学,希望用传统的方块字来克服命运风水中的不顺。
- No business or career can be problem-free in the early stages, but the advantage in Amway is that you can learn how to overcome obstacles through a positive and assertive attitude. 我们相信任何生意、事业,在发展过程中总不会一帆风顺,只要保持积极的心态、进取的人生态度,所有困难都会变成机会。
- Free programmable CNC-sewing unit, which moves the material underneath the X-and Y-direction.In Z-direction liftable sewing head to overcome obstacles;this allows direct path programming. 自由编程CNC缝制单元,可通过X轴、Y轴联动控制行程,并实现主轴可升降操作以方便取、送料。