- overseas intelligence agencies 海外情报机构
- In only one place does the Treaty of Versailles mention intelligence agencies. 凡尔赛条约只有一处提到情报机构。
- Paranoia has been aided and abetted by government intelligence agencies. 偏执狂被政府情报机构资助并被教唆。
- The Turkey deal was a ruse - a cover story that was fed to the other intelligence agencies around the world. 土耳其协议不过是一个幌子,用来糊弄其他国家的情报机构。
- It stands for Central Intelligence agency. 它代表中央情报局。
- Beyond that, Coyle says, intelligence agencies are also likely seeking indications of whether the test was real or not. 除此之外,考伊尔还提到,情报机构也可能在寻找能表明这次试验真实性的迹象。
- In 1998, Congress passed a law requiring declassification of Nazi war criminals files held by US intelligence agencies. 在1998年,国会通过了一条法律要求解密有美国情报机构掌握的纳粹战犯的文件。
- He adds Pakistan will investigate any findings sent to Islamabad by Indian intelligence agencies. 他补充说,巴基斯坦将就印度情报机构提交给巴基斯坦的线索展开调查。
- Staff in the diplomatic corps and in government intelligence agencies are targets for violence. 外交使节团的成员和政府情报局的员工是暴力的对象。
- The day the test was conducted, the chiefs of major U.S. Intelligence agencies presented their annual threat assessments to Congress. 当天进行了测试,美国情报机构头目重大威胁评估向国会提交的年度。
- For Hollywood, it is special effects. For covert operators in the U.S. Military and intelligence agencies, it is a weapon of the future. 对于好莱坞,它有着特殊的影响。对于美国军方和情报机构的秘密工作者,它是未来的武器。
- Eventually Western intelligence agencies, relying on traditional derring-do, penetrated the heart of the Khan operation. 结果西方情报机构依靠传统大胆的行动,渗透到了汗操作的核心。
- Western intelligence agencies from the Organization of ways and means to judge the attack, the attack is likely to be the "base" for the organization. 中英文对照:西方情报机构则从组织方法、袭击手段等判断,此次袭击事件很可能是“基地”组织所为。
- Foreign intelligence agencies are also sponsoring these horrendous attacks to create instability in Pakistan to dismember and denuclearize it. 外国智力机构也正在巴基斯坦发起这些可怕的袭击制造巴不稳定的局面,使之解体并被清洗。
- Intelligence agencies were last night checking the authenticity of the tape, picked up by a US-based group monitoring al-Qa'eda messages. 这段录音磁带是美国专门监视基地组织信息的一个组织发现的。情报部门对这段录音进行了甄别。
- From anti-terrorism agencies, intelligence agencies, the State Department and Defense Department officials attending the meeting. 中英文对照:来自反恐机构、情报部门、国务院和国防部的官员与会。
- Livni was the Israeli intelligence agencies - a Mossad agent, during his tenure in Europe, Israel has been involved in the spy network deployment. 利夫尼曾是以色列情报机构--摩萨德的一名特工,任职期间一直参与以色列在欧洲布建间谍网络。
- That is because the risks of Chinese intelligence agencies planting eavesdropping equipment in the embassy's most-sensitive areas were too great. 这种做法是国际通行惯例,因为中国情报机构在这一最敏感的区域安装窃听设备的风险太大了。
- Accessing stored phone messages covertly is illegal in Britain, except for the police or intelligence agencies acting with a warrant. 在英国,窃取他人手机信息属违法行为,除非是获得授权的警方或者情报机构。
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。