- There was a dispute over the ownership of the land. 对那块土地的所有权有争执。
- The ownership of the land is disputed. 那土地的所有权有争议。
- The two brothers have dispute over the ownership of the land. 这兄弟俩对土地的所有权有争议。
- the collective ownership of the rural land 村集体土地所有权
- There was a quarrel over the ownership of the land. 对那块土地的所有权有争执。
- There is a dispute over the ownership of the land. 对那块土地的所有权有争执。
- The ownership of the house is still unknown. 这栋房子的所有权至今无人知道。
- She disclaimed ownership of the vehicle. 她放弃了这辆车的所有权。
- Ownership of the land is currently being disputed. 这块土地的所有权现在还有争议。
- Fishing rights run with ownership of the land. 具有土地的所有权便具有打渔权
- Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry. 社会主义的政策有利於在煤炭工业中推行公有制。
- Third, the employment of the rural work force. 第三,农村劳动力就业。
- ownership of the rural land 所有权
- She claims ownership of the land. 她对这块土地的产权提出要求.
- The right to take ownership of the queue. 取得队列所有权的权限。
- However, it stops short of privatizing collectively-owned rural land,says the state remains the "leading force" in the ownership of property. ,物权法没有将集体的农村土地私有化,并表示国家依然是地产的“主要持有人”。
- Seizes ownership of the specified role. 获取指定角色的所有权。
- However, it stops short of privatizing collectively-owned rural land, and says the state remains the "leading force" in the ownership of property. 但是,物权法没有将集体所有的农村土地私有化,并表示国家依然是地产的“主要持有人”。
- The ownership of the restaurant is disputed. 那餐厅的所有权有争议。
- Since the meeting, the Chinese media have reported that the basic principle of collective ownership of rural land will remain unchanged. 自此次会议以来,中国媒体报道农村土地集体所有制基本原则将依然维持不变。