- The Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance was introduced in 1989. Hong Kong has prohibited both local manufacture and import of substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons. 《保护臭氧层条例》在一九八九年开始实施,禁止本地生产或进口氯氟碳化合物(含氯氟烃)和哈龙等物质。
- The ozone layer protects the Earth from dangerous radiation from the sun. 臭氧层能保护地球免受来自太阳辐射的危险。
- The paper is accordingly divided into four parts: introduction, comparison of Vienna Convention on Ozone Layer Protection regime and Framework Convention on Climate Change regime, factors deciding the effectiveness of precaution and conclusion. 本文因此分为第一章绪论、第二章《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》体系与《气候变化框架公约》体系比较、第三章决定风险预防有效性的因素和结语四个部分。
- Concise Guide to the Ozone Layer Protection (Controlled Refrigerants) Regulation, A 保护臭氧层(受管制制冷剂)规例简介
- Concise Guide to the Ozone Layer Protection (Products Containing Scheduled Substances) (Import Banning) Regulation, A 保护臭氧层(含受管制物质产品)(禁止进口)规例简介
- On the Establishment and the Consummation of the Legal System of the Ozone Layer Protection 试论我国保护臭氧层法律制度体系的建立与完善
- Development and Prospection of International Cooperation on Ozone Layer Protection 国际保护臭氧层合作的发展与展望
- UNEP Honours Those Who Have Made Outstanding Contributions Towards the Success of Ozone Layer Protection 联合国环境规划署表彰为保护臭氧层做出突出贡献的组织和人士
- The pollution had destroyed ozone layer and caused many changes in weather. 污染破坏了臭氧层,并引起了许多天气变化。
- The chlorine atoms eat away at the ozone layer. 氯原子大量吞噬臭氧。
- And left a hole in the ozone layer. 把臭氧层弄了一个洞。
- If you look up it opens a hore in the ozone layer. 只要你抬头臭氧层就会破个洞。
- It has made a very big hole in the ozone layer. 它已经使臭氧层出现了一个非常大的空洞。
- ozone layer protection 臭氧层保护
- Media reports dubbed the annual thinning a hole in the ozone layer. 媒体报道称之为臭氧层年度稀释“空洞”。
- Our protective ozone layer above the earth has been thinned. 我们地球上方具有保护作用的臭氧层变得稀薄了。
- The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun gives off. 臭氧层阻隔了太阳发出的一些有害射线。
- It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer. 众所周知氯氟烃会破坏臭氧层。
- The ozone layer shields the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays. 臭氧层保护地球不受太阳紫外线的辐射。
- Many groups of scientists quickly began monitoring the Antarctic ozone layer. 许多科学家小组很快开始了对南极臭氧层的检测。