- Cold the blue Pacific water, when the mammoth mountain blooms. 蓝色的太平洋海水变得冰冷,猛犸山脉的花却在盛开。
- A fish(Hydrolagus collei) of Pacific waters, having a long narrow tail. 银鲛太平洋水域中的一种鱼类(银鲛),尾巴细长
- A food and game fish(Menticirrhus undulatus) of North American Pacific waters and especially coastal California. 无鳔石首鱼一种食用和垂钓鱼(波纹无鳔石首鱼),产于北美大西洋水域,尤其是加利福尼亚沿岸的水域中
- Small slender fish (to 8 inches) with body covered by bony plates,chiefly of deeper north Pacific waters. 身体覆以骨盘的细长小鱼(可达8英寸),主要产于北太平洋深水域。
- A small, edible marine fish(Mallotus villosus) of northern Atlantic and Pacific waters, related to and resembling the smelt. 细鳞胡瓜鱼一种可食用小型海鱼(细鳞胡瓜鱼毛鳞鱼属),产于北大西洋和太平洋海域,与胡瓜鱼有亲缘关系并类似胡瓜鱼
- An oily, edible fish(Thaleichthys pacificus) of northern Pacific waters, formerly dried and used as a torch by Native Americans. 太平洋细齿鲑产于太平洋北部海域的一种富含油质的可食用鱼(太平洋细齿鲑烛鱼属),起初被美洲土著居民晾干了用作火把
- A fish (Platyrhinoidis triseriata) of Pacific waters, related to the guitarfish. 棘背鳐,刺鱼:一种背上有脊的欧洲鳐类(鳐鳐属)
- Any of several large, edible flatfishes of the genus Hippoglossus and related genera, of northern Atlantic or Pacific waters. 庸鲽,大比目鱼拟庸鲽属和有关科属的可食用大比目鱼,生活在太平洋或大西洋北部水域
- Any of various elongated marine fishes of the family Agonidae, chiefly of northern Pacific waters, having an external covering of bony plates. 八角鱼一种细长的八角鱼科海鱼,主要生长在太平洋北部海域,它似骨的鳞有一层外表覆盖层
- Any of various fishes of the family Clupeidae, especially a commercially important food fish(Clupea harengus) of Atlantic and Pacific waters. 鲱任何鲱科中的各种鱼,尤指大西洋和太平洋水域中商业价值很高的食用鱼(大西洋鲱鲱属)
- Any of various fishes of the family Clupeidae, especially a commercially important food fish (Clupea harengus) of Atlantic and Pacific waters. 鲱:任何鲱科中的各种鱼,尤指大西洋和太平洋水域中商业价值很高的食用鱼(大西洋鲱鲱属)
- Argentine scientists have discovered the remains of a fierce sea monster that terrorized Pacific waters in the age of the dinosaurs. 阿根廷科学家发现了一种凶猛的海洋怪物的遗迹,这种海洋怪物在恐龙时代横行太平洋海域。
- Either of two edible marine fishes,Microgadus tomcod of North American Atlantic waters or M. proximus of northern Pacific waters,related to and resembling the cod. 小鳕,近鳕以下两种可食性海鱼中的任意一种:产于北美洲大西洋海域的小鳕和产于太平洋北部水域的近鳕,它与鳕鱼有亲戚关系且外形似鳕。
- Either of two edible marine fishes,Microgadus tomcod of North American Atlantic waters or M.proximus of northern Pacific waters,related to and resembling the cod. 江鳕一种淡水鱼(江鳕),生长在北半球,与鳕鱼有亲缘关系并且相像,鼻部和下颚处有鱼须
- Either of two edible marine fishes, Microgadus tomcod of North American Atlantic waters or M. proximus of northern Pacific waters, related to and resembling the cod. 小鳕,近鳕以下两种可食性海鱼中的任意一种:产于北美洲大西洋海域的小鳕和产于太平洋北部水域的近鳕,它与鳕鱼有亲戚关系且外形似鳕
- Any of several large, spotted, olive-brown marine fishes of the family Serranidae, especially the grouper Epinephelus itajara of tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific waters. 鮨鱼指若干种大型的、带有斑点的墨绿色鮨科海鱼类的统称,尤指产于热带大西洋和东太平洋水域的大石斑鱼
- The Pacific water enters the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait, influencing the sea ice, water masses and circulation in the Arctic Ocean. 太平洋水通过白令海峡进入北冰洋 ,对北冰洋的海冰、水团和环流产生重要影响。
- The orca says when the Pacific waters are at their coldest, when the winter sun shines like water, a mountain that men call The Mammoth will explode and hurl smoke and flame miles into the sky. 逆戟鲸说当太平洋的海水在最冷的时候,冬天的太阳就像海水般地闪耀的时候,一座人们称为猛犸的山会爆炸,用力投掷烟和火焰到数里以外的太空。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- After enteringthe study area, the Pacific waters disperse northward cross the Chukchi shelf as threebranches with different nutrients, and cause differentiations in nutrient and surface waterproductivity in the study area. 太平洋水自白令海峡进入研究区后,分化成营养盐含量不同的三支分海流横穿楚科奇海陆架向北扩散,导致研究区水体的营养盐和生产力出现分异。