- Nero:Not so fast... This baby sure can pack a punch. 还没那么快...这宝贝(指右手)肯定能打出充满力量的一拳.
- Those cocktails pack quite a punch! 那些鸡尾酒劲儿可真大!
- Notoriously ill disciplined these warriors can pack a punch but are no match for disciplined and armoured units in formation. 高地斧兵军纪极差,恶名远播,尽管悍不畏死,但远非职业重装部队敌手。
- New Nazi Zombie map: Der Riese (nazi_zombie_factory), an all-new Zombie map set in a secret Nazi research facility featuring the Pack A Punch Machine, Teleporters, and many more undead hordes! 新纳粹僵尸地图:名称略,在一张全新的僵尸地图中设定了一个具有冲床,心灵传输装置,以及一大群的僵尸的纳粹秘密研究所。
- It was vodka, and it packed quite a punch. 这是伏特加酒,它有强烈的刺激作用。
- He laid the attacker low with a punch to the jaw. 他一拳击中攻击他的人的下颚,把他打倒在地。
- At least 2 million adjustable-rate mortgages will jump from very low initial teaser rates to higher rates this year and next, packing a punch to overstretched homeowners. 不过,下调联邦基金利率对于金融市场而言则一向是个利好消息。
- George Bush has never had a reputation as a bookworm, but for a man derided by his critics as an intellectual lightweight the president's holiday reading list packs a punch. 正在得州克劳福德农场度假的美国总统布什近日公布了自己假期阅读书目。因书目中包括多本不适合休闲时拿来阅读的大部头,引来一些人的嘲讽。
- Jeff became so mad at Mike that he threw a punch at him. 杰夫对迈克大为发怒,向他一拳揍去。
- They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press. 他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。
- Pack a mini hairbrush and spare pair oftights. 随身带上小发梳并备好一套紧身衣。
- We only had time to pack a few essentials. 我们只来得及装上几件必需品。
- A punch like that would double up anyone. 像那样的猛击会使任何人弯下腰来。
- We only have time to pack a few essentials. 我们只来得及装几件生活必需品。
- A group of adjacent card columns on a punch card. 穿孔卡片上一组相邻的列。
- Will Hoffa pack a turkey for Beijing? 霍法将带着火鸡去北京么?
- Pack a bag full of easy to eat snacks for the trip. 塞满一袋子食用方法简单的零食。
- Has a punch that delivers a wallop. 具有一个能够有力的猛击的冲头
- Well, I will make a punch and pizza. 嗯,我会做潘趣酒和比萨饼的。
- Is meat packing a big industry in your country? 在你们国家里,肉类加工厂是否算一门大型工业?