- The properties in this category configure the run-time behavior of the package object. 此类别中的属性可配置包对象的运行时行为。
- The final step is to create a relationship between the package and document. Xml by calling the CreateRelationship method of the Package object. 最后一步是通过调用Package对象的CreateRelationship方法在包和document.;xml之间建立关系。
- You can use a combination of variables and property expressions to update the property of the package object with the enumerator collection value. 可以使用变量和属性表达式的组合,用枚举器集合值更新包对象的属性。
- If you specify configurations directly, Integration Services creates a direct link between the configuration item and the package object property. 如果直接指定配置,Integration Services会在配置项和包对象属性之间创建直接链接。
- Once you have written the package into the MemoryStream object and called Close on the package object, your work with the packaging API is complete. 当您将包写入MemoryStream对象并对包对象调用Close后,即已完成对打包的API的操作。
- Also, some package objects require that the package already contain a certain object, and without this object you cannot successfully paste the copied objects into a package. 而且,某些包对象需要包已经包含某个对象,如果没有此对象,则无法将所复制的对象成功粘贴到包中。
- The OO design method packaging object and based-on B/W/D realization method are adopt in this system. 系统采用基于三层B/W/D结构的实现方案,利用面向对象的设计方法将对象以组件的形式封装。
- The gay package is only for dandy. 这种鲜艳的包装只是为了美观。
- The goods are to be sent in airtight package. 这批货物应密封包装运送。
- The system variables provide useful information about package objects at run time, and user-defined variables support custom scenarios in packages. 系统变量在运行时提供有关包对象的有用信息;用户定义的变量支持包中的自定义方案。
- My aunt is hooked on package holidays in Spain. 我的姑母着迷于旅行社包办的西班牙度假。
- The package carries no written message. 包裹内不得夹带书信。
- He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题。
- The proposal was presented as final package deal. 那项建议是作为最终的一揽子交易提出来的。
- He was too shortsighted to focus on the object. 他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。
- He tied the package with a cord. 他用绳子把包裹扎紧。
- I object to our privacy being invaded. 我反对我们的隐私权受到侵害。
- Can you deliver a large package of books? 你能把一大包书寄出去吗?
- We tied up both package well with heavy cord. 我们用粗绳把所有包裹捆扎妥当。
- Many people object to experimentation on animals. 许多人反对用动物做实验。