- packet data scheduler 数据包调度
- Scroll to Packet Data and press Select . 滚动分组数据和按下 选择 .
- Study on joint radio resource allocation and downlink packet data scheduling algorithm in adaptive OFDMA systems 自适应OFDMA系统无线资源分配和分组数据调度算法的研究
- Packet Data Access point will be displayed, press Select. 分组数据接入点将会展示,按下选择。
- Reports that voice packet data has been received from the network. 通知已收到网络数据。
- Packet Data Access point will be displayed, press Select . 分组数据接入点将会展示;按下 选择 .
- packet data scheduling 分组数据调度
- The desktop application will then exchange packet data with the device agent application and terminate. 随后,台式机应用程序将与设备代理应用程序交换数据包数据,并在交换完毕后终止。
- Note: If the CIC is ZERO, check if the call is a Packet Data call. Packet Data calls do not require connection to EMX. 注意:如果cic为0,检查该呼叫是否是一个分组数据呼叫,分组数据的呼叫并不需要连接到EMX。
- The encapsulation protocol defines a set of cryptographic suites used to encrypt packet data across the fixed broadband wireless access network. 封装协议定义了一套密码组,将在固定式无线宽带存取网络上传输的数据包进行加密。
- The proposed scheme schedules the forward packet data channel (F-PDCH) only with the ACK/NAK feedbacks, the implicit channel quality information feedback is no more required. 新方法无需反馈信道质量信息(CQI);只基于ACK反馈进行前向分组数据信道(F-PDCH)调度.
- Baseline Privacy plus Interface(BPI+)on DOCSIS uses the56bit DES for Packet Data Encryp-tion,and the Three-ary DES for the Traffic Encryption Key Encryption. 基于DOCSIS标准的增强型基线保密性接口(BPI+)采用56bitDES加密分组数据、采用二密钥三重DES加密通信量加密密钥。
- GPRS is brief version of General Packet Radio Service. It is a new kind of carrying network developed from traditional GSM in order to supply packet data services for GSM user. GPRS是通用分组无线业务(General_Packet_Radio_Service)的英文简称,是在现有GSM系统上发展出来的一种新的承载业务,目的是为GSM用户提供分组形式的数据业务。
- GPRS networks provide packet-switched services based on internet protocol (IP), which make End-user can access the external packet data network--Internet. GPRS网络提供了基于IP的分组交换数据业务,这就使得终端用户可以访问最大的分组数据网络(PDN)----Internet。
- The goal is to attain higher througputs for packet data in downlinks, without bandwidth expansion and while providing acceptable quality of service for various classes of traffic. 无线IP的目标是使下行链路中的分组数据在不扩展带宽的情况下获得高吞吐量,而且还要保证各种传输业务的质量。
- The establishment of a temporary block flow (TBF) on a packet data physical channel is supported by procedures on CCCH when PCCCH is not provided in the cell. 当小区中不提供PCCCH时,CCCH上的程序支持在分组数据物理信道上的一个临时块流(TBF)的建立。
- The network (air) interface between a Mobile End System (M-ES) and the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)-based wireless packet data service provider network. 移动终端系统(M-ES)和基于蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)之间的网络(空中)接口,基于无线分组数据业务提供商网络。
- To improve the real-time communication performance of Ethernet,a simple data schedule model is introduced. 为改善以太网通信的实时性,系统引入了一种简单的数据调度模型。
- Abstract: Along with the continuous development of IP services, the traffic flow in the network is gradually changing from Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) to packet data service. 摘要:IP业务的快速发展使得网络中的业务流量逐渐从以时分复用(TDM)为主向以分组数据业务为主转换。
- When TCP application is used in 3G wireless packet data service, its data transmission performance is badly influenced by the frame error rate (FER) of physical layer. 摘要TCP协议应用在3G无线网络中时,其传输性能受到了无线网络物理层帧差错率的严重影响。