- paddle steamer, paddle boat 明轮船
- There are so many people paddle boat in the park near our school. 我们学校附近的公园里有很多的人在划船。
- A swan in Germany has apparently fallen in love - with a swan-shaped paddle boat. 天工造物,无奇不有。德国的一只黑天鹅最近竟然“爱”上了一条天鹅形状的小船。
- Peter Overschmidt, who operates a sailing school and rents the two-seat paddle boat on the Aasee pond, said the swan appeared to be smitten. 在Aasee池塘出租游船的彼得说,这只天鹅看起来已经被天鹅形状的船深深地打动,不能自拔了。
- Because the ship's propeller wheel lower water immersion buried on the upper surface, say again "bright", so that ships and artificial paddle boat and promote wind. 因为这种船的桨轮下半部浸埋水中,上半部露出水面,故又称“明轮船”,以便和人工划桨的木船以及风力推动的帆船相区别。
- a paddle wheeler; a paddle steamer 明轮船
- They tried to row the small boat off with a paddle. 他们试图用桨把小船划开。
- The paddle steamers in Switzerland are about 100 years old, and are beautiful machines. 浆船在瑞士已有近100年的历史。
- Lovesick swan falls in love with swan paddle boat 寂寞天鹅恋上鹅形船
- Three Chicago high schoolers drowned after sneaking away from the camp in the middle of the night and launching paddle boats. 三名芝加哥的高中生半夜逃离露营团队并驾船走的时候溺水身亡。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- Among those paddle steamers that will never return was one that I knew well, for it was the pride of our ferry service to the Isle of Wight--none other than the good ship Gracie Fields. 在那些一去不返的明轮船当中,有一条是我很熟悉的,因为它是我们那儿来往怀特岛的轮渡公司的头牌--就是“格拉西 - 菲尔德斯号”。
- In the 1880s, when the Murray was one of the nation's major thoroughfares, hundreds of paddle steamers, barges, ferries and other river craft plied the waters between bustling riverside towns. 马克吐温曾经把墨累河和密西西比河联系在一起,但是我们宁愿认为它们其实没什么相似之处。
- Caption :In this photo released by the Xinhua News Agency, local people paddle boats through a flooded street in Rongshui county in Guangxi last Saturday. 描述:在这张新华社发布的照片中,当地居民乘坐木舟穿过广西融水县的街道。
- The steamer ran down a small fishing boat. 这只轮船撞翻了一条小渔船。
- Tragedy structured in a camping retreat trip, three Chicago high schoolers drowned after sneaking away from the camp in the middle of the night and launching paddle boats. 一次闲适的野营之旅却酿成一场悲剧。芝加哥三名中学生深夜偷偷溜出去开动脚踏船准备出游,却不幸溺水而亡。
- The sailing boat has given place to steamer. 帆船已为汽艇所代替。
- A small boat edged down upon the big steamer. 一只小艇缓缓驶近那艘大轮船。
- He put her aboard a steamer bound for New York. 他把她送上了一艘驶向纽约的汽船。