- paddy rice culture 稻作文化
- The warm climate there permits three harvests of paddy rice a year. 那里气候暖和,一年能种三季稻子。
- The LED light next row of mature paddy rice dangles the full ear. LED灯光下一排排成熟的水稻垂下饱满的穗子。
- I guess the water fields are for raising fish and paddy rice. 我猜水田大概是用来种水稻或是养海产的。
- It included low amylose and protein material's selection in early generation, low protein rice culture, purchase according to quality, paddy and brown rice choiceness and super low temperature store. 包括低直链淀粉及蛋白质含量材料的早期筛选,低蛋白米栽培,分品质收购,稻谷精选,糙米色选,超低温贮藏技术等。
- The farmland crops regard paddy rice, corn, sugar cane, potato as main. 南靖地区境内,一有充足的河水可供灌溉外,二有适合甘蔗生长的土壤属性,加上高温多雨的气候,十分适合种植甘蔗及发展糖业。
- Title: Study on Root Characters of Upland Rice and Paddy Rice (Oryza sativa L. 关键词:水稻;陆稻;根长;根基粗;叶片水势
- The extraction of flavonoids from the husk of paddy rice was studied. 采用醇提取法,研究水稻谷壳中黄酮类化合物的提取工艺。
- The zero tillage of paddy rice by domestic wastewater to culture man-made economic wetland can consume the pollutants of the wastewater and reduce the use level of pesticides and fertilizers. 利用城市污水进行水稻免耕栽培,培育人工经济湿地,通过消耗城市污水中的污染物,减少化肥农药施用量,减轻滇池污染。
- Water conservancy projects have played an important part in increasing paddy rice production. 水利工程在水稻增产方面起了重要的作用。
- These results would be a base for protection of the rice culture with the phytochemical pesticides. 本研究为开发防治稻曲病的植物源农药奠定了基础。
- Gel consistence is one of the most important cooking and eating characteristics of paddy rice. 胶稠度是评价稻米食用品质和储藏品质的一项重要指标。
- Following element makes clear prospect of market of Jiangsu paddy rice transplanter very value. 下列因素表明江苏水稻插秧机市场前景十分看好。
- Has been follow the plow an education after graduate and miscellaneous hand over a paddy rice research. 毕业后,一直从事农业教育及杂交水稻研究。
- The Yuan Long is even, agriculturist, miscellaneous hand over paddy rice to teach to grow an expert. 袁隆平,农学家、杂交水稻育种专家。
- With the decrease in SWP, the grain yield, spikelets per panicle, ripened grains and 103-grain weight were all reduced for both upland and paddy rice. 随着土水势的下降,水、陆稻分蘖能力均受到抑制,地上部干物重下降,水、陆稻间差异较小; 根干重和根冠比的下降幅度,陆稻小于水稻,而叶面积的下降幅度陆稻则大于水稻。
- The greatest amount of BNF by free-living nitrogen-fixing organisms may be in the flood waters of paddy rice production. 从技术上说,兰细菌接种剂的生产在实验室的条件下是比较简单的。
- The TQSF Series stoning Machine is used for grading and stoning of wheat, paddy rice, peanuts, corn, and soybeans and for seeding cleaning as well. 对小麦、稻谷、花生、玉米、大豆等进行分级、去石、亦可用于种子精选。
- Accumulation of organic acids and their phytotoxicity in paddy rice fields incorporated with crop straws have been widely concerned. 摘要有机酸积累和毒害是稻田秸秆还田中受到广泛关注的问题。
- From plane to see, CaMau is sourrouded by many water fields and palms. I guess the water fields are for raising fish and paddy rice. 从飞机上看,伽冒被一块块水田和片片的棕榈树所围,很是美丽。我猜水田大概是用来种水稻或是养海产的。