- paddy rice straw stalk 水稻秸秆
- Title: Research on soil nutrient released from rice straw buried in deep soil layer by rotocultivator and the effect of yield promotion in paddy fields. 期刊:浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)--2000/03关键词:稻田;机械秸秆深施;养分释放;
- What do you do with rice straw in your country? 在你们国家里,稻草用来干什么?
- The warm climate there permits three harvests of paddy rice a year. 那里气候暖和,一年能种三季稻子。
- The knife-roll straw cutters of this series are applicable to the pulp making company;they are used to chip the rice straw, wheat straw, kenaf whole stalk and some other raw materials. 本系列刀辊切草机适用于纸浆制造厂,用于切断稻、麦草、红麻全杆等草类原料。
- The LED light next row of mature paddy rice dangles the full ear. LED灯光下一排排成熟的水稻垂下饱满的穗子。
- I guess the water fields are for raising fish and paddy rice. 我猜水田大概是用来种水稻或是养海产的。
- Quick Composting of Rice Straw and its Pot Experiment. 稻草快速腐熟及盆栽试验初报。
- Later, a mayfly larva finds a rice straw about 5 times its length. 后来,有一只蜉蝣的幼虫找到一根稻草,差不多有它自己五倍那样长。
- At present the corn harvest machine straw stalk treating plant mainly has the ensilage and also the field two kinds. 目前玉米收获机秸秆处理装置主要有青贮型和还田型两种。
- The farmland crops regard paddy rice, corn, sugar cane, potato as main. 南靖地区境内,一有充足的河水可供灌溉外,二有适合甘蔗生长的土壤属性,加上高温多雨的气候,十分适合种植甘蔗及发展糖业。
- Title: Study on Root Characters of Upland Rice and Paddy Rice (Oryza sativa L. 关键词:水稻;陆稻;根长;根基粗;叶片水势
- Also the field smashing installment generally uses flings the knife type straw stalk grinder, the straw stalk degree of pulverization is worse. 还田型粉碎装置一般采用甩刀式秸秆粉碎机,秸秆粉碎度较差。
- The extraction of flavonoids from the husk of paddy rice was studied. 采用醇提取法,研究水稻谷壳中黄酮类化合物的提取工艺。
- The light,environment friendly and inexpensive corn straw stalk textile fiber and EPS were chose to produce the corn straw stalk fiber cushioning package material. 利用质轻环保和廉价易得的玉米秸秆纤维与可发性聚苯乙烯为原料,开发制备了玉米秸秆纤维缓冲包装材料。
- The veteran taught the boy to bundle the rice straw into wisps to make a fire. 老兵教儿子把稻草挽成把,这样就好燃烧些。
- This article had explained our country crops straw stalk resources condition,introduced the straw stalk system ethyl alcohol principle as well as the technique with emphasis. 讨论了我国农作物秸秆资源开发应用的基本现状,其中重点介绍了农作物秸秆制取酒精的原理和工艺方法。
- Water conservancy projects have played an important part in increasing paddy rice production. 水利工程在水稻增产方面起了重要的作用。
- Rice straw is recycled for reuse to avoid creating pollution by burning it. 避免燃烧稻草造成污染,稻草也要回收再利用。
- The influence of the corn straw stalk fiber's length, the amount used, surface treatment and the EPS pre-expanded condition, and curing condition were studied. 研究了玉米桔秆纤维粒度、用量、表面处理与可发性聚苯乙烯预发条件、熟化条件对材料密度、强度的影响;