- painter rs works 油漆工程
- painter rs work 油漆工程
- He is making a study of William Faulkner rs works. 他在研究威廉·福克纳的作品。
- He has read many of Hemingway rs works. 他读过许多海明威的作品。
- This seems to be Picasso rs work. 这幅似乎是毕加索的画。
- Tennyson rs work was mostly in rhyme. 但尼生的诗大都是押韵的。
- He never lost a day rs work through tiredness. 他从不因为劳累而耽误一天的工作。
- Before the examinations we have a review of the term rs work. 考试之前,我们复习一学期的功课。
- I like singing, but I would not want it to be my life rs work. 我喜欢唱歌,但我还不愿意把它就作为我的终身职业。
- He took a glass of beer and relaxed after a day rs work. 一天工作下来,他喝杯啤酒轻松一下。
- He had little steam left in him after a hard day rs work. 辛苦工作一天后,他几乎没有一点气力了。
- He who does not rise early never does a good day rs work. 起床不早,一天的工作干不好。
- The artist rs work shows the perfect union of craftsmanship and imagination. 这位艺术家的作品表现了技艺和想象力的完美的结合。
- varnish maker rs and painter rs naphtha 清漆与油漆用石脑油
- The painter stretched the canvas on a frame. 画家把油画布紧绷在画框上。
- He is known both as a painter and as a statesman. 他是知名的画家及政治家。
- He was an unknown painter one year ago. 一年前,他还是一个不为人知的画家。
- The picture bore the press of the painter. 这幅画表现出作者的独特风格。
- The young painter has exhibited (his work) in several galleries. 那年轻画家的作品已在几家美术馆中展出。
- She didn't think much of him as a painter. 她对他作为一位画家评价不高。