- As at Matsushita, any manager could get to top; there was no palace guard. 在松下公司,哪个经理都可以找到最上层领导,那儿没有宫廷卫士。
- Being overthrown by their own palace guard is a risk faced by many rulers. 被自己的卫队推翻统治是许多统治者需要担心的问题。
- A soldier of the palace guard of the Roman emperors,formed in the time of Diocletian. 罗马皇帝宫殿警卫的一个士兵,形成于戴克里先时期
- A soldier of the palace guard of the Roman emperors, formed in the time of Diocletian. 罗马皇帝宫殿警卫的一个士兵,形成于戴克里先时期
- The palace guards looked like demons. 宫殿的守卫看上去像魔鬼一样狰狞。
- The damage assignment order of an attacking Berserkers of Blood Ridge (a 4/4 creature) is the same Palace Guard, then Warpath Ghoul (a 3/2 creature). 某个进行攻击的血山脊狂战士(4/4生物)分配伤害的顺序,则是上述的宫殿守卫,然后是鬼怪长矛兵(2/1生物)。
- On the way the palace guard, blaming the Yang family for the problems besetting the dynasty, execute Yang Guozhong and demand the Emperor dispose of Yang GuiFei too. 皇帝被迫逃离首都,在逃亡途中,随驾禁军将校指责是杨贵妃引起了叛乱,给王朝造成了困扰(公平的说,这不是她的过错;
- Jun Na Gaer of the palace guard, said: "Most of the time the former king to stay in his house, I sometimes see him sitting before the computer or reading. 纳嘎尔俊王宫的警卫称:“前国王大部分时间呆在他的房子里,我有时看到他坐在计算机前或者在读书。
- The essential thing is not to let any feeling or thought arise without recognizing it in mindfulness, like a palace guard who is aware of every face that passes through the front corridor. 最重要的是不要让任何感受或想法出现而却没有从思想上承认它---就像一位宫廷卫兵意识到前走廊穿过的每一张脸。
- Because, had “the senior official background” this status label, he is equated in the playboys, terrorizes men and take their women the palace guard wickedly with the novel in little not different. 因为,有了“高官背景”这个身份标签,他就被等同于纨绔子弟,和小说中欺男霸女的衙内恶少无异。
- HAN-N-S DIV(Jin):Palace Guard Cavalry 羽林骑
- The palace guards fought so ferociously that Colonel Bayerenov dashed outside to all in reinforcements. 总统府卫队的反击十分凶猛,巴耶列诺夫上校不得不冲出去喊增援部队。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- In Ralph McQuarrie's early sketches, Jabba's palace guards were heavy, mean-looking humanoids with gorilla-like faces. 在RalphMcQuarrie早期的草稿里,贾霸宫殿的守卫是有著大猩猩脸孔、笨重、长相丑陋的类人种族。
- They were to allow the Palace Guards to torture them, and only then were they to confess that they had been sent by the Satrap. 倘若被擒,起初不供,等到给鞑子拷打得死去活来之后,才供出是受了平西王的指使,前来行刺皇帝。
- It seems to point in one direction,' He clapped his hands, and sent one of the eunuchs to summon Songgotu and Dolong, the Chief Intendant of the Palace Guards. 康熙道:“本来还不能拿得稳,你刚才这一比划,又多了一层证明。”双手一拍,吩咐在上书房侍候的太监:“传索额图、多隆二人进来。”
- He urged them to guard against conceit. 他要求他们防止骄傲自满。
- With no obstruction, the Dog King Silver walked right past the palace guards, into the royal hall of justice, and sat down calmly underneath the king's throne itself! 没有任何妨碍,狗王西尔维直接走过皇宫的警卫,进入皇室审判厅,平静地坐到王座之下!
- The royal palace was filled with intrigue. 皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。
- He bribed his way past the guard and escaped. 他买通看守而逃之夭夭了。