- She dressed herself up as a ghost. 她把自己打扮成鬼。
- To recur or visit often,especially as a ghost. 尤指鬼魂重回或常去
- There is no such thing as a ghost in reality. 实际上根本就没有鬼。
- To recur or visit often, especially as a ghost. 尤指鬼魂重回或常去
- As a ghost writer, he earned a lot of money. 他作为代笔人挣了一大笔钱。
- Let's dress up as a ghost or a pumpkin. 我们装扮成鬼或南瓜。
- She dressed herself up as a ghost . 她把自己打扮成鬼。
- Can you dress up either as a ghost or a Alien? 你可以打扮成一个幽灵或者一个外星人吗?
- You cannot explore dungeons as a ghost. 鬼魂状态下不能探索地下城。
- the priest was still standing on the steps, pale as a ghost and scowling like the devil himself.He must have been sore as hell. 牧师仍站在台阶上,苍白得像一个鬼魂,像魔鬼那样狠狠地瞪着我们,准是连肺都气炸了。
- as pale as a ghost 面孔象死人一样苍白,面无人色
- (as) pale as a ghost 面无人色;脸色像死人一样苍白
- pale as a ghost 面无人色;死人一样苍白
- Dying as a ghost will make you re-appear at the nearest graveyard. 鬼魂死亡后会使玩家重现在最近的墓地。
- Xiang Lufeng main peak (commonly known as a Ghost) 557 m above sea level. 主峰香炉峰(俗称鬼见愁)海拔557米。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- Without you, my life will be like a glass of water may be as dull and tasteless, such as pale as a sheet of paper empty. 假如没有你,我的生活也许将如一杯水般平淡无味,如一张纸般苍白空洞。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- Her face went pale as his words hit home. 他的话切中要害,她的脸变白了。
- He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。