- Modification of Salt Discharge System in Vacuum Pan Salt Making 真空制盐排盐系统改造
- Design and Practice of Evaporation Crystallizer in Vacuum Pan Salt Making 真空制盐蒸发结晶器的设计与实践
- Programmable Control of Salt Slurry Discharge in Vacuum Pan Salt Making 真空制盐的程序排料控制
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- Some of the enamels on this pan are chipped off. 这平底锅上的搪瓷有些已脱落。
- Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能从这个深底锅里舀点汤给我吗?
- Put a teaspoonful of salt into the pan . 往锅里放一茶匙盐。
- Look out! The pan of milk is bubbling over! 小心!那锅牛奶溢出来了!
- He spoiled the soup by putting too much salt in it. 他放了太多的盐,把那盘汤糟蹋了。
- She clashed the pan down on the stone floor. 她把炒锅当啷一声掉在石头地板上。
- My hair kinked up in the salt water. 我的头发在盐水中缠在一起了。
- Flakes of rust are falling from the old iron pan. 一片片的锈从旧铁锅上落下。
- Add salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar. 加盐、胡椒粉和一点儿醋。
- She is economical in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很少。
- She lifted the lid of the pot to add some salt. 她掀起锅盖加点盐。
- Some of the enamel on this pan is chipped off. 这平底锅上的搪瓷有些已脱落。
- I cracked two eggs into the frying pan. 我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋。
- He spoke his lines utterly dead pan. 他毫无表情地背台词。
- Add salt to correct the seasoning. 加点盐把味道调好。