- paper financing business 票据融资业务
- This paper mainly research on how to use data mining technology to develop personal financing business for business banks. 本文重点研究了我国商业银行如何利用数据挖掘技术来开展个人理财业务。
- During the preparation stage, the applicant shall not conduct any auto financing business. 筹建期内不得以汽车金融公司名义从事经营活动。
- Or include in the name of a company such names as "auto financing" or "auto loan" that indicate the company's engagement in auto financing business. 不得在机构名称中擅自使用“汽车金融”、“汽车信贷”等表明从事汽车金融业务的字样。
- Any establishment of an auto financing company or any auto financing business without the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall be banned. 未经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,擅自设立汽车金融公司或者非法从事汽车金融业务的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会依法予以取缔;
- Chongqing YinHengchang pawning pawning a professional industry, specializing in investment and financing business and enterprise management consulting and professional agents. 重庆寅恒昌典当是重庆一家专业典当行业,专门从事投融资业务和企业管理咨询及代理的专业机构。
- One of America's biggest companies, General Electric, announced that its third-quarter profit was down by 22 percent. G.E. blamed the losses on its financing business. 美国最大的企业之一通用电气公司宣布,该公司第三季度赢利下降22%25。通用电气认为,赢利下降是该公司金融业务损失造成的。
- This text with local commercial bank individual financing business development present condition for research object, emphasize the obstacle that analysis individual administers financial business development, and put forward the homologous counterplan. 以国内商业银行个人理财业务发展现状为研究对象,着重分析个人理财业务发展的障碍,并提出相应的对策。
- Foreign exchange proceeds from export documentary bills, forfaiting, factoring or other trade financing business are not subject to the registration administration of advances on sales. 企业出口押汇、福费廷、保理等贸易融资项下的收汇,不需办理预收货款登记手续。
- Excludes interest expense of Finance Businesses. 不含商业与消费金融公司的利息费用。
- Pacific Group, which operated, inter alia, securities dealing and margin financing businesses, added urgency and impetus to the study. (该集团同时经营证券交易、保证金融资和其他业务。
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- The collapse of the C. A. Pacific Group,which operated,inter alia,securities dealing and margin financing businesses,added urgency and impetus to the study. 正达集团的倒闭令有关研究更见迫切。(该集团同时经营证券交易、保证金融资和其他业务。)
- The collapse of the C. A. Pacific Group, which operated, inter alia, securities dealing and margin financing businesses, added urgency and impetus to the study. 正达集团的倒闭令有关研究更见迫切。 (该集团同时经营证券交易、保证金融资和其他业务。)
- AIGs growing global consumer finance business is led in the United States by American General Finance. 资产总额达9794.;1亿美元,增长14
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- GE has been fighting for months a rearguard action over the soundness of its finance business. 数月来,通用电气一直在努力捍卫旗下金融业务的稳健性。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。
- The paper has a wide readership. 该报拥有广泛的读者。