- You'd better check the paper up with the original. 你最好把这篇文章和原文核对一下。
- He tore the paper up into tiny Bits. 他把纸撕碎成一小片一小片。
- The split between the two groups can hardly be papered up. 这两个团体间的分歧难以掩饰。
- He scrambled the papers up from the desk. 他把文件从写字台上杂乱地收集起来。
- He has marked sixteen exam papers up to now. 到现在为止他已经批改了十六份考卷。
- One of the windows had been papered up. 有一扇窗子已用纸糊死了。
- He pasted these papers up with paste. 他用浆糊把这些纸张粘在一起。
- The gentleman tore the paper up into many little pieces and with an irate gesture hurled them into the gutter. 这位先生将那张纸撕成了无数的小碎片,愤然地把它们扔进了排水沟。
- Microsoft Watermark: Verify the watermark by holding the paper up to the light to see an image of the Microsoft logo. Microsoft水印:请将纸置于光下,检查是否具有Microsoft徽标的水印图像。
- He stood the paper up against a backing, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. 他将纸直立起来靠在背垫上,将画笔放在嘴里开始作画。
- One of the windows (doors) had been papered up (over). 有一扇窗子(门)全用纸糊死了。
- For example, in bondid hygrogram, the absolute humidity bleaching Board for up to 6%, and the absolute unbleached kraft paper up to 7.5% humidity. 例如,在相的湿量下,不染黑纸板的绝差湿量可达6%25,而未不染黑牛皮纸的绝差湿量可达7.;5%25。
- She tore the paper up. 她把纸撕碎了.
- I'm writing up the film for the local paper. 我现在为本地报纸写影评。
- I am going to stay up late to finish my paper. 为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡。
- In this paper up to 26 references were reviewed and the progress was reported in studying clogging mechanism, the magnitude of resistance of clogging medium, and the effective cl... 综合了26篇有关文献,介绍了成饼过滤介质堵塞的机理、被堵塞过滤介质阻力的大小、影响过滤介质堵塞的主要因素等几方面的近期研究进展。
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- The book was wrapped up in brown paper. 书用棕色的纸包了起来。
- Hand in up your examination paper. 把你们的卷子交上来。
- Use a paper towel to soak up the cooking oil. 用纸巾把食油吸乾。