- Relevant analyses of publishing retardation of sci tech journals 科技期刊相关时滞分析
- sci tech journals 科技期刊
- Put your important papers in the bank for safekeeping. 把你的重要文件放在银行里去妥善保管。
- He tears a sheet of paper in two. 他把一张纸撕成两半。
- A survey found out four atypia concerning the heading order number usage in sci tech periodicals, with those being: 1) the heading order is not numbered with Arabic numerals; 据调查 ,当前科技期刊中层次标题序号的使用有以下4种不规范的情况 :1)层次标题未使用阿拉伯数字编号 ;
- How to publish scientific paper in peer-review journal. 讲课:怎么样在美国发表医学文章。
- He has published over 60 papers in refereed journals, of which about 30 have been indexed in the SCI and 20 in the EI. 在国内外核心刊物发表论文60多篇,其中约30篇被SCI收录,近20篇被EI收录。
- The papers in the office were all jumbled up. 办公室里的文件杂乱无章。
- Arts in Sci Tech Translation 科技翻译:科学与艺术同存
- There is a heterogeneous mass of papers in the teacher's office. 老师的办公室里堆满了大批不同的论文。
- Changing offices has left my papers in complete disarray. 办公室搬迁,使我的文件全部乱了套了。
- We packed the papers in a fireproof safe. 我们将文件装入防火的保险箱。
- The paper mainly discusses some key questions in development procedure of digitalization of sci tech periodicals, which are the digital information service model, web technological environment, standards and international information search. 探讨科技学术期刊数字化过程中的几个重要问题 ,并从科技学术期刊数字化信息服务模式、技术环境、标准化、信息查询国际化等 4个方面加以阐释
- Please pass your papers in at the end of the hour. 请把你们的试卷在下课时交来。
- YAMATO M, IWASAKA Y, QIAN G W, et al. [J]. Aerosol Sci Tech Jpn, 1988, (6) : 85 -88. 张代洲钱公望.;检测单个气溶胶粒子的薄膜法[J]
- He locked the papers in the briefcase. 他把文件收进公事包。
- The newsboy throws his papers in the wrong place. 报童把报纸投错了地方。
- I heard someone rustling the papers in my office. 我听见有人在我的办公室里沙沙地翻动文件。
- Milsteim O,et al.Removal of chlorophenols and chlorolignings from bleaching effluent by combined chemical and bilogical treatment[J]. Wat Sci Tech, 1988,20(1):161-170. “生物流化床-化学絮凝法处理纸浆漂白废水”来源于网络,版权归作者所有!勿用于商业用途。
- The papers in the waste paper basket catch fire. 在废纸篓中的纸着火。