- papillae filiformes [医] 丝状乳头
- papilla filiformes 丝状乳头
- The taste buds of fungiform papillae are not so developed and filiform papilla are long and thick. 菌状乳头味蕾不很发达,丝状乳头粗而长;
- The taste buds of fungiform papillae are nut so developed and filiform papilla are long and thick. 菌状乳头味蕾不很发达,丝状乳头粗而长;
- Style filiform;pistil head cylindric or short conical, base with a ring of papillae, apex minutely 2-lobed. 花柱丝状圆锥状的雌蕊头状花序圆筒状或短,基部具一乳突,2裂的先端微小的的戒指。
- Style filiform;pistil head turbinate, apex 2-cleft. 花柱丝状陀螺状的雌蕊头状花序,先端2半裂。
- Ovary ovoid;stigmas 2, filiform. 子房卵球形柱头2,丝状。
- These are filiform needles used in acupuncture. 这是用来针灸的毫针。
- Style filiform;stigma lingulate, compressed. 花柱丝状柱头舌状,压扁。
- Pedicel short or long, filiform. 花梗短或更长,丝状。
- Sepals filiform, ca. 6 mm, abaxially puberulent. 萼片丝状,约6毫米,背面被微柔毛。
- Style filiform;stigma funnelform, margin ciliate. 花柱丝状漏斗状的柱头,边缘具缘毛。
- Carpels shortly stipitate, apical beak filiform. 心皮具短柄,顶端具喙。
- Style filiform, exserted from corolla. 花柱丝状,从花冠外露。
- Such papillae are characteristic of most demersal spawning species. 如此的乳突是大多数的底栖产卵种的特徵。
- Trichomes absent or rarely as minute papillae on pedicels. 作为在花梗上的微小的乳突的毛状体缺席的或很少。
- Uncle Bill named this protein BPP for basilar papilla protein. 比尔叔叔将此蛋白质命名为BPP,意思是指基底乳头蛋白。
- The dermal papilla is a highly active group of cells. 毛乳头是细胞中高活性的团体。
- The tumors mainly lay in descendent and papilla of the duodena. 肿瘤多分布在十二指肠降段和乳头部;术中所见多数已有转移。
- Stems greenish when dry, filiform, slender, glabrous. 茎干燥时带绿色的,丝状,纤细,无毛。