- papular mucinosis 丘疹性粘蛋白沉积症
- One case of follicular mucinosis is reported. 报告1例毛囊黏蛋白病。
- To report a case of reticular erythematous mucinosis (REM). 报告1例网状红斑性黏蛋白沉积症。
- These findings confirmed the diagnosis of follicular mucinosis. 诊断为毛囊黏蛋白病。
- A49-year-old man with reticular erythematous mucinosis is reported. 报告1例网状红斑黏蛋白病。
- Demonstrate ability to diagnose papular and nodular skin lesions. 学习诊断丘及结节之皮肤病变.
- A 35-year-old male with pigmented papular condyloma accuminatum was reported. 报告1例色素丘疹性尖锐湿疣。
- Some patients with acne vulgaris, papular urticaria and lip hyperpigmentation also had positive patch test. 痤疮、丘疹性荨麻疹、唇部色素沉着亦有阳性结果。
- Skin lesions vary from macular, papular, or occasional pustular and nodular type rashes. 皮肤病因黄斑,丘疹,偶尔或脓疱,结节性皮疹。
- When follicular mucinosis occurs in lesions of mycosis fungoides, affected areas on the scalp or beard may present with sharply circumscribed plaques of alopecia. 蕈样肉芽肿皮损引起的滤泡状粘蛋白沉积症,累及头皮和须部,为境界清楚的脱发区。
- One was a 69-year-old man presented with a solitary dark papular lesion on the right shoulder for 10 years. 均为老年患者,分别因右肩部黑褐色丘疹10年余及左大腿内侧淡褐色斑50年,增大、颜色加深伴瘙痒1个月就诊,皮疹均为单发。
- Two cases of lymphocytoma cutis are reported.The patients had a circumscribed papular or a tuberculoid lesion on skin without subjective symptoms. 报告2例皮肤淋巴细胞瘤,临床表现以边界清楚、单发、红色丘疹样或结节样皮损为特点,患者无自觉症状,皮损局部切除后,分别随访3年和8年,皮疹无复发。
- Objective T0 study the efficacy and safety of erfukang liniment topical application in the treatment of papular urticaria of childhood. 目的观察儿肤康搽剂治疗儿童丘疹性荨麻疹的疗效与安全性。
- It is characterized by tiny, monomorphous, papular eruptions around the mouth, nose and eyes.Extra-facial lesions in children had also been reported. 临床上的表现为在口、眼、鼻的周围出现许多细小的丘疹,少数儿童亦同时有脸外的病灶产生。
- Conclusions G337D and Q498X mutations in hairless gene seem to be responsible for the phenotypes in the patient suffered from atrichia with papular lesions. 而其父母及一弟该基因仅存在其中的一处杂合突变。结论该患者无毛基因中G337D及Q498X两处突变可能使该基因无法编码正常的蛋白,为导致临床表现的特异突变。
- We hold the tenet of "quality first,customer first,best service".we are papular between the customers,and receive the care and support from the society. 本公司秉承“质量第一,客户至上,服务最佳”的原则,一直深受广大消费者的喜爱和认同,同时也受到社会各界的关心和支持。
- Conclusion Our results suggest that papular urticaria is caused only by the allergy to stings or bites of arthropods, and other hypotheses still lack convincing evidence. 结论丘疹性荨麻疹可能是由于昆虫叮咬引起的过敏所致,其他假说尚缺乏充分依据。
- Loss of specific sensations (temperature as opposed to pain) may be typical of certain diseases, especially Hansen's but is also a feature, though an inconstant one, of follicular mucinosis. 特殊感觉的缺失是某些皮肤病的典型症状,如麻风,在滤泡状粘蛋白沉积症感觉缺失不恒定,但也是该病的一个特征。
- However, no histopathological signs of malignancy were found within thirteen years after the onset of follicular mucinosis, and until the fifteenth year, the patient developed mycosis fungoides. 该患者在诊断为毛囊黏蛋白病15年后发现合并蕈样肉芽肿。
- While porokeratosis is practically asymptomatic,unusual pruritic variant has been reported and designated as “eruptive pruritic papular porokeratosis” or “inflammatory stage of DSP”. 本病一般无临床症状,但伴明显瘙痒的汗孔角化症已经有文献报告,并被命名为“发疹性瘙痒性丘疹型汗管角化症”或“处于炎症反应期的DSP”。