- A scene of parading troops is reflected on the mouths of tubas. 4. 图3:大喇叭上映出游行队伍的影像,形成有趣的画面。
- The troops lined up in parade formation. 部队排成阅兵队形。
- No words can express the grandeur of that parade. 阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言表达的。
- John lost a stripe for being rude on parade. 约翰因在检阅时鲁莽失礼被降了一级。
- The captain aligned his troops for the parade. 为了游行,队长将其士兵排列成行。
- The troops drew up on the parade ground. 军队在阅兵场排队。
- He ordered the troops to limber up and move out. 他命令部队把炮装上前车开出去。
- The floats in the parade are decked out with flags. 游行队伍中的彩车用旗帜装饰起来。
- A number of new hats were on parade at the wedding. 在婚礼上见到有些人戴著新式的帽子。
- It is hard to tell who is who in the parade. 在游行队伍中很难分清谁是谁。
- Many boys and girls tailed after the circus parade. 许多男孩子和女孩子跟在马戏团游行队伍的後面。
- There is a troop of monkeys in the woods. 林子中有一群猴子。
- The guard of honor headed up the whole parade. 仪仗队走在游行队伍的最前头。
- The drilling troops mustered on the hill. 演习部队在小山上集合起来了。
- The troops were entrenched near the mountains. 部队在群山边筑起壕沟以防卫自己。
- He came out with a troop of followers. 他带着一大群随从走出来。
- The audience began to troop away. 听众开始成群结队地离去。
- People wore historical costumes for the parade. 人们穿著古装参加游行。
- He crane his neck to get a glimpse of the parade. 他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。
- He harangued the troops before a battle. 他在战前向士兵作了慷慨激昂的讲话。