- Expected results are obtained and are in good agreement with those obtained by Peters, Jaffe and Delos [5],and in this respect, some comparisons with the case of parallel electric and magnetic fields are done. 我们得到了预期的结果,与Peters,Jaffe和Delos[5]得到的结果非常一致,并且与平行电磁场的情况作了比较。
- parallel electric and magnetic 平行电场和磁场
- The fields with which we are concerned are the electric and magnetic fields. 我们所涉及的场是电场和磁场。
- The physics of electricity and magnetism. 电磁学研究电和磁的物理学
- The electric and magnetic fields have been amalgamated into electromagnetic field tensor. 电场和磁场合并为电磁场张景。
- Light is a wave composed of coupled electric and magnetic fields oscillating in synchrony at very high frequencies. 光是一种由电场与磁场耦合在一起进行高频同步振荡所形成的波。
- Mass spectrometry: Analytic technique by which chemical substances are identified by sorting gaseous ions by mass using electric and magnetic fields. 质谱测定法:一种分析方法,利用电场和磁场通过质量来将气体离子分类,从而鉴定化学物质。
- The electric and magnetic fields oscillate perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction the light is traveling. 它的电场与磁场以互相垂直的方向振荡,并垂直于光的行进方向。
- The paper puts forward an optimal scheme of the electric and magnetic vibration feede r in QS type ultrafine system. 对QS型超细粉碎系统的电磁振动加料器提出了优化改进方案。
- How does AGNIR assess the research on the possible risk of cancer from exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields? l非游离辐射谘询小组(AGNIR)如何去判定暴露于极低频电磁场会带来癌症的可能性?
- Excellent interference immunity to electric and magnetic fields and good signal transmission capacity. 产品具有良好的抗电场、磁场干扰性能,传输信号能力强。
- JG Davis et al: Health Effects of Low-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields. Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 1992. 当前没有文献指出,由家用电器、电视显像终端和当地高压电力输配线所产生的极低频率电磁场会危害健康。"
- The first step in learning how to deal with this schizophrenic personality is to understand how single particles behave in electric and magnetic fields. 研究这种双重个性的第一步是了解单个粒子在电场和磁场中具有怎么样的行为。
- Mass spectrometry: Analytic technique by which chemical substances are identified by sorting gaseous ions by mass using electric and magnetic fields. 质谱测定法:一种分析方法,利用电场和磁场通过质量来将气体离子分类,从而鉴定化学物质。
- However,owing to the lack of intuition,power-frequency electric and magnetic fields have undergone a long period of excessive misunderstandings. 但是由于工频电场与磁场的不易直觉性,工频电磁环境问题长期以来经历着过度炒作。
- Hao Jin-qi, et al, 2003.ULF electric and magnetic anomalies accompanying the cracking of rock sample, Acta Seismologica Sinica. 钱书清等,2003,岩石受压破裂的ULF和LF电磁前兆信号,中国地震。
- These include the symmetry between identical particles and the symmetry between electric and magnetic fields in Maxwell's equations of electrodynamics. 这些问题包括相同的粒子之间的对称和对称的电场和磁场中的麦克斯韦方程组的电动力学。
- A dielectric can thus affect the propagation of photons, which are nothing more than oscillating electric and magnetic fields. 介电质因此可以影响光子的传播,因为光子不过是振荡的电场和磁场罢了。
- Semiclassical calculation of the absorption and recurrence spectra of He atom in perpendicular electric and magnetic fields[J]. 引用该论文 高峰;赵文丽;李洪云;王德华;葛美华;林圣路.
- To do that, CERN built the Antiproton Decelerator, which uses electric and magnetic fields to slow the particles from near light speed to about one-tenth of that, he said. 为了要做那些,CERN建造了反质子加速器,他说,使用电场和磁场把接近光速度的粒子减慢到光速的十分之一左右。