- Easily split along close parallel planes. 易裂的容易沿临近并行平面分裂的
- The periscope consists of two parallel plane mirrors. 潜望镜由两个平行的平面镜组成。
- A polyhedron all of whose vertices lie in one of two parallel planes. 拟柱体其所有顶点都在两个平行平面内的多面体
- In the ascent to1024, one integrates one half of one's parallel plane lives. 在提升到1024股时,一个人就整合了一半的平行生命。
- A portion of a sphere bounded by the intersections of two parallel planes with the sphere. 带两个平行平面在球面上交叉形成的部分
- A solid bounded by two parallel planes and such a surface,especially such a surface having a circle as its directrix. 圆柱体由两个平行平面和这样的表面,特别是有一个圆作为其准线的平面所形成的柱体
- The portion of such a surface bounded by two parallel planes and the regions of the planes bounded by the surface. 平面部分由两个平行平面所确定的表面的部分以及由此表面所确定的平面的空间
- A solid bounded by two parallel planes and such a surface, especially such a surface having a circle as its directrix. 圆柱体由两个平行平面和这样的表面,特别是有一个圆作为其准线的平面所形成的柱体
- A tomograph that constructs a 3-D model of an object by combining parallel planes. 通过联合平行位面建立物体-d模型的断层x光摄影术。
- A polyhedron whose vertices all lie in one or the other of two parallel planes,the faces that lie in those planes are the bases of the prismatoid. 顶点都在一个平面或两个平行的平面上的多面体,位于那些平面上的面是旁面三角台的底部。
- The length from the eyes to point of nose is equal to the distance from eyes to occiput.The muzzle and skull are on parallel planes. 他最初是一种捕猎兔子的追踪犬,这种古老的猎犬被培养出来,已经有数千年了,这些能力十分重要。
- The part of a solid, such as a cone or pyramid, between two parallel planes cutting the solid, especially the section between the base and a plane parallel to the base. 平截头体切割立体的两个平面之间的立体的一部分,如圆柱体或角锥,尤指与底边平行的底边或平面间的部分
- The foreface is broad and well filled in under the eyes, tapering gradually to form a medium length, deep, powerful muzzle with the skull and muzzle on parallel planes. 前脸丰满,位于眼睛下方,尖端略细,中等长度,口吻深而有力,口吻轮廓与脑袋平行。
- Viewed from profile the line of the skull is on a practically parallel plane to the foreface or muzzle. 观察轮廓,可以发现,脑袋的轮廓线与口吻(前脸)的轮廓线相互平行。
- First one may attune unto what one is doing and how one is living in the 24 parallel planes that surround earth and then choose to anchor such dreams into the physical. 首先你可以调谐至你在地球周围24个平行生命中正在做什么以及你是怎样生活的,然后选择去锚定这样的梦想进入物质层。
- The semi freedom short circuit is superposed by parallel plane flow, confluence and ringy turbulence jet. 半自由状态下的短路流场是平行平面流、环形紊流射流及汇流叠加而成。
- Therefore, if one is healthy and has a friend with cancer, one has cancer upon a parallel plane. 因此,如果你是健康的而有一个患癌症的朋友,你在一个平行层面上患有癌症。
- The part of a solid,such as a cone or pyramid,between two parallel planes cutting the solid,especially the section between the base and a plane parallel to the base. 平截头体切割立体的两个平面之间的立体的一部分,如圆柱体或角锥,尤指与底边平行的底边或平面间的部分
- As a matter of fact, there is nothing that one draws unto themselves that one doesn't know or understand intimately upon a parallel plane of reality. 事实上,没有任何事物是你无法使自己在实相一平行层面上直接地知晓或理解的。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。